I'm being very vain again... a picture of my hair after walking around with rollers for over 30 minutes and half a can of hairspray. Nothing fantastic, but just in the mood of cam whoring.
With my new street style inspired chain top from Seed. I like! *wink*

I snapped this the night before, with the intention of snapping a picture of us, with a lame inspiration of "when stripes meets stripes".. Alas! Our photo snapping moment was interrupted by an uncle who entered the lift... which explains for the distracted stripey poo.. But i think it's artsy in a cute manner.

This is a picture of the disgustingly lazy and dirty specie of the Lee household.
My gawd! Except for her lazy assed mannerism, substituting the running wheel as her royal hammock, she's nothing as her name suggests!
She's dirty, disgusting, badly groomed, waddles about with her short legs and is totally unpoised.... *sigh*
The picture shows her snacking on a bit of cabbage and sleeping after she's done with her snack.
Yet there's nothing i can do about it... Because she's mine...she's still cute despite her "shortcomings".
*yup absolutely thick of me to declare my little animal..but who cares? It's my blog.. *

We celebrated Boo's mommy's birthday today, and we had dinner over at Big ShangHai restaurant. It's located at the Copthorne water front...
The ambience is totally cool, with a songtress cooing to old school shanghai tang songs on stage, and furbished in olden shanghai tang theme. Classy! I like!
As they ordered the set meal fit for 10 pax, and there was only 8 adults, i ended up eating up extra portion of everything. Here goes the menu for the night (hope i didnt miss out anything) :
Cold platter X 1.5
Sharks fin soup X1.5 (soup base is good..)
Steam fish with fried stuff X1
Peking Duck X 1 piece
Lobster with a bed of vemicelli X 2 (yummy)
Chinese Ham with bao with crispy fu chok X 1 (Salty!)
xiao long bao X 2 long = 4 dumpling( on the verge of collaspsing)
Sushi birthday cake X 2 pieces (the "salmon sushi" and "prawn tempura")
Egg white souffle with banana and red bean paste X 2
Glutinous rice with filling X0 (will absolutley collasp, if i eat anymore)
memory isn't functioning too well recently..might have left out a dish or two, but
The highlight of the night, was the cake that Sheila ordered!
When the waitress first carried the platter of "sushi", Boo, Bernard and i nearly died.
We were so stuffed that just looking at the platter was already sending us in bouts of fits!
The sushi cake looks fantastic, though it was weird stuffing a "prawn" into your mouth, with your brain telling you logically that it is salty while the tongue screams sweet! They were pretty smart and creative in the cake decorating if you ask me, as i gawk and gaze in amazement of the likes of the decoration. With every sushi being a smaller cake of its own. That's alot of cake to eat, if you'd to ask me, 2kg of it!
The tempura prawn, is actually made of sponge cake coated with cream and desicated coconut, while the salmon roe sushi, was sponge cake, wrapped with seaweed, topped with clear orange agar agar, there's also raw salmon slices, tamago sushi and many more! Fantastic!
It's crazy, i tell you.
I went home stuffed and bloated with food. Now you know where all that weight gaining came from over the years!