I reckon that taking pictures while travelling, would help to kill boredom, and shorten the stoning time involved.
Therefore, i camwhored my way to work on Sunday morning.
Life if pretty lonely withouth my zzZzzz sister to endure the bus ride along with me, not that she made much difference in conversation, seeing that she's snoozing 95% of the journey there. Haha. Oh well.
At least she's entertaining on the journey back home, where we cam whored our way back home.
In anycase, the pictures above, reflects the old hair cut.

Say helloo to the newly cut and permed hairdo.
Having my hair permed, is like a major hair milestone. After living on earth for 24 years, i've finally subjected the hair to a perming session, despite the horror stories that my mom lives to tell.
The only reason why i have decided to go ahead with the permed look, is due to the fact that Blitz needed girls for some coming Demonstration workshop of sorts for Reds Salon.
The after effect of sitting around for 3 whole hours?
An extremely crazy hair at the moment, but Gabriel and Willam assured me that the "bounce" would be less springy in a matter of day, and i sure hope so.
Somehow, the permed look didnt seem too surprising to me, after all, i've been fooling around with the curling iron that boo got for me, to create similar effects.
Only that this permed style is professionally done, while my temporary curls look only nice from the front, due to the limitation of the human limb.
I can't possibly twist my hands to angle my hairdo at the back nicely can i? Besides, my eyes are located in the front, not the back. Ahh well again.
The girls generally like the perm, while the guys claim that i've aged at least 10 years over an hour.
Ahhh who cares? As long as i like it, it is all that matters.
Besides, if you were to ask me, it's all about adjusting and getting used to the new hairstyle, nothing scary or life threatening.
Post hair washing observation: My hair looks somewhat like a cross between a Mehhh's shaven wool, and the poodle's hair. Boo. Gotta learn to start applying products on my hair.... and bye to the non combing/styling days of bed head.
On the otherhand, I've dedicated like 80% of my recent life to the Distribution Channel project, and have been hanging around in school like it's home.
I'm almost prepared to camp in school, if it wasn't for the fact that the escalator construction drilling is capable of driving me nuts!
I would really like to finish the project like soon, but i'm too lazy to start working on it. Ah hahaha.