Nope, I haven't grown any taller, richer, smarter or prettier from all that 26 years worth of well wishes that I have from friends and family.
However i do have to admit that I'm in a much happier and blessed state this year, as compare to the previous! (Not that the previous year was is just better.)
I've found myself an additional family at work!
With fabulous bosses, crazy fun loving colleagues, and a special Valda that made work less monotonous, they took time to celebrate my birthday for me the night before!
However i do have to admit that I'm in a much happier and blessed state this year, as compare to the previous! (Not that the previous year was is just better.)
I've found myself an additional family at work!
With fabulous bosses, crazy fun loving colleagues, and a special Valda that made work less monotonous, they took time to celebrate my birthday for me the night before!
My 2 very far away besties managed to time their arrival back from Indo and Uk during my birthday week! I told you being 26 was more awesome than 25!
Most importantly, there's my super surprise trip from Baby, where he brought me to Bintan! He sure exhausted a good amount of brain power planning the surprise, and keeping the holiday location from me, until the very last minute!
4 days 3 nights of sheer bliss, sun, sand, sea and sleep! Haha! I Love it!
And now, my favourite bit! Pictures!
My favourite scenic shot of the trip!
Rocks at where i was tanning at.

My attempts to camwhore with him as usual :D
I kinda like this "Act cool" picture, even though he thinks it's yucks!
But seeing that this is my blog, I have every intention to post it up, since I like it so much!!

Oooh! Love this "we look crazy shot" too! :D (actually it looks as if I was about to lick his face)
Trigger happy boy!
Strolling by the beach.
Sunset in the background! :D
Nice right?
Baby was trying to imitate my usual camwhore shot for himself, and I decided to be doing random stuff in the background..and these are a few of my favourites!
Baby was trying to imitate my usual camwhore shot for himself, and I decided to be doing random stuff in the background..and these are a few of my favourites!

Baby did most of the building, while I spent most of my time watching..and helped along alittle...:D
---In case you're beginning to think that it was all beach and sand, we did eventually go for some erm..Bintan~ese massage and explored the town alittle!
It's my first time ever, getting massaged, and it's kinda relaxing! (you might want to read my other entry about foot reflexology, in case you think I am a retard of sorts..)
Finally, after all that kneading and weight press that is done on me... I came out of it alive, rejuvenated and happy! We bought lots of crackers back at the town to give away...