Monday, January 24, 2011

Geeklet speaking : HTML woes

Sleepless, I spent the entire morning adventuring with what i'll term my geek habits.

So far...
I've managed to fix up a simple header design for the shop

But blogger apparently has an unresolved issue with low resolution header.
My header design appears rather sharp and crisp in my Mac, until it gets exported onto blogger's header template. How annoying! They ought to get it fixed soon! Grr...

**** comment inserted: monday january 25 2010
Oh gorgeous! 
The blurry header has been miraculously fixed.
It's looking sharp as a pix!e now.
Yays! :)  i'm swear i'm sticking to GOOGLE for life!

On a happier note, with regards to this blog, the HTML code fiddling proved to be more productive for me.
Previously, reading older post would require readers to navigate through the tabs located at the top of the template.

The new and improved version currently requires readers to click on the "older post" button located at the right bottom of every entry - linking directly to my archive page instead.

Lastly, a random attempt to maintain savviness, I linked my almost non existent Twitter account with Facebook, and now the Tweet account lives!

Oh joy!
Now I'm happy, and somewhat very sleepy.