Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Random headshot

Random headshot of myself that I found in the camera.
Attempted to curl my hair that night, therefore must do the traditional headshot.
My attempt to revive my blog as a form of self entertainment seems a little meh at the moment.

I'm looking forward to the launch of the website.
Just gave the design team the go-ahead to codify the design for the shop's website!

Since i'm on the subject of the shop... might as well start talking about it.

SCRAPED the idea of using Buttonsandbow because it was too much of a mouthful to remember/recite/spell. Figured that it was also too act cute, as what seemed to work when one was 18 years old, doesn't quite work when one is 28.

Instead, I decided on BOWTIQUE - as a form of word play, and partly also because of my infamous craze over the red bow-ed kitty kat that i am still obsessing over at the moment.

It's catchy, easy to remember, and still maintained that 10% of my quirky-ness in it.

Besides bowtique came to me like "wham" in 2 seconds while I was out shopping, and I spent the next 5 mins doing my decision dissonance between the former name, and the new one that just came to me.

I later spent the next 5 mins bbm/texting/whatsapping friends to ask them for their preference, and bowtique it was!

Ta daaa!

Coming up with the logo - I had to angst alot.
I was unsatisfied with the simple one I came up with, and nearly went blind from the suggested logos I got from the design team.

I finally settled on myself made logo in my furtile attempt to save cost - as the ones the team came up with really did not impress the socks off my toes. Blah!

Look!  Like it or not, this IS my official logo. *smirk*

I am in the midst of angsting over my name card design, of which - i'm still blank on ideas, or perhaps lazy to start on it..

I realize that I angst alot lately, from logo design, website design and now namecard design.
It was like, I could find a thousand reasons to emo over the smallest thing that displeased my expectations. 
Driving myself nuts in the process. 

Talking to the design team made me super emo and upset at times.
I could not understand why the fella simple cannot understand my lingo (I'm darn sure their accounts exec is not an art/design trained person), and many ideas and instructions was lost in translation to their house designer.
I solved that, by making multiple trips to the office, just so that EVERYONE was on the same page as I am with regards to my ideas and demands.

To make things worst, i'm quite the picky Daphne, when it comes to details, it had to be the way I wanted it.
I spent weeks angsting over the right shade of red they had to use, and how the red color applied is never consistent. ARghhh!

sounds like a minor issue to many, but a major eyesore to me.
I know i'm quite the brat/perfectionist/nit picker when I actually get serious about something.

Grumbles aside, 

www.bowtique.com.sg is currently under construction, but shopping is made available via facebook! 
Just click HERE or BOWTIQUE to start shopping.
I've been faithfully loading up new products almost everyday, and when the site is launch ready, I promise everything in collection uno would be up by then. *beams*

I'll love it if you could also like the Bowtique page, just so you could receive future updates.

Promote your Page too
