Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bokeh, Transformer 3 and other whining.

My newest addition to my Bokeh effects.
I hope i'm getting better - but i'm not fully satisfied with what's acheived here either.
Loving my feathers tho - was fixing and fooling around with styles for the next photoshoot, when I took this. :)

On other news,
I. Need. to. wake. up. early. for wavehouse tomorrow.

All that Popcorn binge-ing from watching Transformer 3 - dark of the moon earlier
is taking its toil on my throat. (That and mommy's attempt in feeding me lots of mango that she bought over the weekend + that packet of Super Ring that I could not resist)

Transformer 3 is good, glad that Megan Fox is out of the movie, but the "supposedly" new "hottie" isn't quite my definition of Hottie tho.
Yes she has a hot body and face, but it seems like she O.Ded on the Mouth Botox or perhaps the bee stung her lips? Aside from her pouty pouty lips, i'm  actually okay with whatshername. ( too much effort to google her name, unlike my pretty mermaid in Pirates of the Carribean)

Looking forward to Hogwarts in end July.

Desperately rehydrating now, but I seem to be fighting a losing battle.