Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My review on the G&G A21 Brown Lens

I spent the entire night thronging through the world wide web looking for reivews for....
colored contact lens, and I realized that there is very little reviews around!
It's something so .... "duh", so everyday and I reckon it is taken for granted.

Therefore, as bimbo as it sounds - I shall be a good samaritan and donate my share of review.
So exciting right?

For starters, they look like....... this!
Blowing up the lens, they seem to look like alien embryo of sorts.

Right, so this is the pair of G&G that i've been wearing for the past...... 6 months?
It's got a very unimpressive name - A21 Brown lens.

Weight: 0 kg, 100 grams
Stock: Stock available
Diameter : 14.0mm
Water Content : 38%
Base Curve : 8.6mm
Life Span : 1 year disposal - I dont usually wear my lens more than 6-8mths.

Every frigging picture that I've posted up this year, would most likely be the G&G.
(though on random days, I'll put on the dailies Freshlooks illuminate just for kicks, or for my initial trips to wavehouse - terrified that my lens will be flushed away - or so I thought.)

Here's a close up taken with flash just so that the color would be obvious enough for a look see.

Initially I did not like this pair, because when viewed up close, my eyes resembles the plastic eyes that toy dolls usually have, and I thought the honey brown was too obvious. 
After a bit of getting used to over the next few hours, 
I actually grew to fancy this pair, because 

1) the brown color warms my overall skin tone, making me look alittle less pasty and less "ice 
    queen" (or so I think)

2) Comfort wise, I can last up to 12 hours with my lens on, without feeling any discomfort like 
    dry-ness, pinching of the eyeball. Comfort is very important!
Of course, the comfort level would be nothing like the monthly disposables from Acuvue 
and friends, and my eyesballs falls on the slightly sensitive side, so what works for me is 
just from my perspective.  
Would need to stress that it's just my own preferences,
*I'll talk about the brands that made me bawled like a heart broken girl in abit...

3) the diameter of the lens is 14.0mm. Which in my humble opinion is just about the right size 
    for my mini asian eyes. 

I personally do not have large eyes, and therefore - wearing those hugeass dolly lens with 15mm diameter and more, will cause my eye whites to be totally non existent, making me  look just like Dobby, the house elf from Harry Potter. 

I kid you not!
Look at the picture yourself!

Back to the lens, this pair looks decent from a "further" perspective, taken with flash.

Here's another, taken without flash in my room.

One more in natural daylight by the window.

Quite natural right?
Creates enough "warmth" in the eyes, coz some lens that I have previously worn, made my eyes look very dead.

I have my share of lens that felt very drying and had the eye pinching feeling.
Wearing them for anything more than 2 hours, and I'd totally be tearing madly, like a broken hearted girl.

Let me see if I could recall the ones that made me cry real badly / waste money.
(Are you kidding? Of course I could remember them la!  
Lao niang have excellent memory for anything that hurt me bad. Hate to be bitten twice, you know? )

MAXI eyes - nearly died the minute I put them on.
5 minutes later, I cried.
1 hour of perserverance - and I felt like I was going blind.
Not sure if its Maxi eyes or Maxi BLIND!
So nope, no pictures of me in it AT ALL, chucked out and flushed into the loo.

That was the worst of the lot.

The rest felt drying, only after 4 hours.
Like the PM or Pro Mo Dolly lens.
I saved this pair for short outings during the weekend, for I could not survive with the PM pair in the office.
Aircon + prolonged staring at the computer was a tear worthy experience for my eyes.

I Bought the green ones, coz the model is damn chio!
It's equivalent to buying a dream!
Totally  #inselfdenial.

In reality, it looks different when I put it on leh!
Weh.. :(

Managed to dig around in my Mac, and found an exceedingly rare picture of the green lens ( since I rarely wear it out)

I am guessing that the model in the picture was massively photoshopped, and that i'm extremely tanned by nature. #DENIAL again 
Green color does not complement "chow tar" girls.

Interesting enough, Blue on the other hand - looks surprisingly refreshing on me!
But being a teeny bobber no more, I outgrew obvious and crazy colours, and have since stuck to brown.  (Been itching to try on pink or violet tho) :S

I actually have couple more to share, like the pair of Geo honey wings that prompted me to search for a replacement lens, and to post up this entry.
But I realized that this post is getting exceeding long.
Shall attempt to share another day.
