Out for a short errand, I left home with my trusty Volcom cap that I bought way back in Bali.
Every time I bring out my caps, the mother would give me the same reaction:
Why do you need to wear cap?!
I mean, I don't see anything wrong with wearing a cap.
There are days when I'd fancy hiding my face from the eyes of people.
There are days when I just want to be unnoticed.
There are days when I just want to change the way I look when I stare at the reflection in the mirror.
On hindsight, my first trip and last trip to bali is as old as the cap is.
Didn't comb hair
Didn't paint the face
Lazy daphne at your service.
You're welcome.
Oh and kinda cute that the hair is still red huh! After all that color bleeding when I shower every night.
It's been awhile since I've gone red, it kinda still amuses me while it lasts (7 days and still counting!).