I reckon that since my hair's still red, I might as well post everything up as soon as possible!
Here we go..

Giodano Black Tee
Love Moschino Black belt
iisa navy petal layered high waist skirt
Ted Baker necklace watch

iisa chiffon pleated lantern sleeve top
Cream lace shorts
Red heart shaped cut out belt
H&M summer straw clutch

Forever 21 cropped demin top
Love Moschino Black belt.
Tulle Navy dress worn at waist (it's detachable, so I wore its skirt out only)
H&M summer straw clutch

This was taken when my hair was still freshly red.
The pictures below: well, I'll say that the red is beginning to turn into shades of coral pink streaks secretly..
That's roughly 11 days from the salon.

Took the pictures with X's Cannon D60.
Oh I did some gradient filter for this... could not decide which I prefer better, so posting both up!
This would be pure evidence that my hair doesn't fade together consistently.
It's either that or I shampoo my hair inconsistently?

Backview when I leave my hair in a mess by the light.
Under the mother's influence, I bought myself a new pair of earring.
Because she saw something she fancied.
And there was a promotion that says, buy 3 pairs and get a bracelet for free.
Well, Auntie lee wants the bracelet, and I saw those cool earrings that I fancied and never thought about buying, until the salesgirl said the 2 magical words to me.
"Stainless steel"

Best news ever!
I quickly chose what I wanted. (It was between the star pair that I'm wearing, or the pearls.)
It's been almost a week, and my ears are still intact!
Happy like a starry girl!
My skin's even more sensitive than my personality.
It rejects cheap metal. Not even silver (My body tarnish them too quickly, and then my earhole will pus up)
I'm a gold or stainless steel girl.
Oh and we went about out for lunch and took some jumping pictures over the weekend, and I like this!
Disclaimer* I wore shorts underneathe that big tee shirt dress alright!
So dont you go about thinking that my underwear is as big as pantaloons.
It's blurry because of because.

Angel sleeve tee shirt dress with side pockets
Cream lace shorts underneathe
Aldo studded hidden wedge sneakers
I also wore my Lovissa moonstone necklace with tassle out as well, but it wasn't jump friendly, therefore I removed it from the picture.

Heading out for family dinner.
I forgot my coordinates for the day.
And was telling the mommy that my red streaks is definitely unobvious anymore!
Of the Hello Kitty x Tokidoki collection at 7eleven I fancied 4 out of the entire collection.
Look! I'm only missing on the unicorn kitty tokidoki now.
The cow one is like bonus I guess.
Happy girl I am.
It's yummy!
forgot its actual name. Arizona tea or something?
I actually like the place we had brunch at, so i'm not sharing location.
Because I hate it when it's packed with too much people.
I know, I'm selfish that way.
I like and deserve my privacy ok!

I left my cap in the brother's room last week, and forgot all about it.
Found it back now!

Lastly, Madamoiselle Trixie Lee is turning 2 this month end.
So happy for her.
This would be the dogglet with her antibark collar.
Trying to do something about her annoying habit of barking whenever she's left alone at home.

Debating if I should have a birthday party for the monkey and invite all her friends over, or just load her up with loads of yummy food and send her for a proper grooming to make her pretty.
She's been annoyingly naughty lately.
I'm wondering if the terrible twos theory applies to dogs too?
But I still love my annoying dogglet