Thursday, December 25, 2014


Christmas this year, took a slight change in direction.

Nothing much changed in terms of activities and people.
It's still pretty much family dinner the gift exchange, meet the friends, more gift exchange, and settle for movie then snooze.

However this christmas has taken a change in direction, as mentioned.
I took along this extra sentiment of gratitude.

I thank god for the safety and health of everyone dear to me, that eating a simple dinner meant so much to me, more than anything else in the world as it is.

Reunion dinner used to just mean good food, bickering, laughter and happiness.
Now it means thank you for keeping my loved ones safe from harm.
That laughing together takes on a new meaning.
That remembering simpler things like I got you something in your favourite colour, means a little extra more. It's never about how much a gift cost, but the heart that fuels the meaning of the gift.

For this, I give thanks.
This might be the quietest christmas that I've ever gone through, with no christmas trees, decorations and hype, yet its one of the warmest christmas to me, just having the few important people and doglet close to me, is enough.

Thank you.
May all that I treasure last forever more.