Friday, May 25, 2007

See ya soon!

Yep! Finally my long awaited Holiday!
It's Bali time!! And i sure hope that everything will be smooth and fine.
No robberies, no disasters, no injuries, or any other bad stuff I hope!
I kept telling myself that i will be absolutely careful this time, and just for precautions, i made sure that my luggage bag is the yuckiest hand carry bag that is available in the house!

I promise that i will take lots of pictures, and will remember to upload the pictures up onto my blog, unlike my forgotten phuket pictures! Oopsie!

Just like what everyone else is doing, I have taken to my recently sprouted pair of green ears! Cute aren't they? Hahahha!
I decided that i wanted a pair of green ears pretty badly on Saturday night, and boo bought them for me while i was slaving my life away at Zouk on Sunday. *beaming smile*

We caught the korean movie 200 pound beauty, on Saturday night, and the girl is soooooo pretty! For that moment, i wished that i was as pretty as her! But end of the show, it was kind of disappointing to look at my own reflection in the mirror! Boo!

In preparation for Zouk's Flea market, Da and i packed lots of pre-loved clothes, and ended up doing lots of clothes swap between ourselves and Mich, before business started.

Our attempt at Zouk's Flea market last sunday was rather disastrous!
We were allocated a horrible lot, and had fixture problems and all.
But things turned out pretty acceptable towards the end.
Luckily Boo saved the day by getting us clothes rack and hangers! Muark! He's such a sweetie at times...

At the end of the day, I made a measely $52, after covering my share of rental, and spent $20 on a rocking horse necklace that i bought from Cheryl and Charmaine's store.
I also received a necklace ( i was eyeing at it the entire day) from my next store neighbours when they were packing up to leave! So sweet of them! They rawk! *grinz*

Zoe dropped by in the late evening, and we took a few pictures! Too bad non of her stuff went off the shelf, i'm sure she'll have wanted to clear some of her clothings too. Bah!

I left Zouk exhausted, and i promptly fell asleep on my journey back home, after my satisfying dinner at this japanese restaurant called Kado-man. The ramen was pretty good, accompanied by clear and unique tasting soup base.

We (Da, Mich, and i) are all looking forward to the Lime Flea market when i am back from my holiday, and hopefully business would be better than what i have earned from Zouk!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

mr Squirrel.

remember those prancing squirrels at the pool that i mentioned days ago?
I've finally loaded the pictures up from my phone to the computer.

You would not even imagine, but i infrared them to the computer!

cute squirrel?

Solitary emptiness.

Empty. Solitary.
That pretty much sums up everything and how i feel for life.
It is as if i have lost a cause, lost my zest for life.
I haven't been feeling particularly sociable of recent days.
Neither am i feeling my happiest for sure.

Being sick was a good excuse to stay off social events, to bum around at home.
I don't particularly feel like talking much, and neither do i have the mood or interest to talk about anything intrinsic, least of all-gossip. Small talks bores the shit off me.

I take no interest in any one's life, not even those that i hold dear to.
It is as if I'm in search of a new cause in life, something to look forward to.
Every one's idea of fun, is definitely NOT what i have in mind.

Nope, not shopping, not clubbing, neither is having tea or leisurely luxuries of bumming. I've had a hand in all that, and it did not make me happy for too long.

I would not even care less, if i wore the same outfit twice in consecutive days. Dressing up, is in fact a chore to me. In fact, dressing up and looking good is no big deal to me.

What have i transformed into?

I guess it will take me time to prioritise my life, to find out exactly what i want.
To sort out my friends, my future, in short - my life.

This is probably a little too morbid, and too deep for comprehension, or elaboration.
Guess we'll leave this as it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

System down.

I've been out and down sick for the past few days, with the usual i am going to fall sick symptoms followed by the ultimate dreaded combination of cough, flu and fever!
Gah! It's horrible i tell you!

I was totally flat out on Sunday, sleeping the entire day away until dinner time.
Where we went out for mothers day dinner at Sushi Tei. Everyone, but daddy, coz he's in HK/China (but he called!) :D. If not, he'll be the one footing the bill! Hahaha!
Dinner there left me poorer by close to 90 bucks until Da decides to be charitable and pay up her half soon. In anycase it was a buy one get one free deal when it comes to treating mommy~ ie, pay for the brother with his newly developed hugeass appetite. Teenagers! Tsk, tsk! Haha!

Sunday was also the 39th month anniversary between Boo and i, so Boo came to pick me up later at night, and we spent time watching the fifth element on DVD, since i was too sick to rollerblade. I love the way "diva" sings!

However, Monday proved to be the shittiest day for me, because i swear the fever shot up to 50 degrees or something! Ever the drama queen i am, i am definitely kidding about my temperature, because i was too sick to even bother about silly stuff like taking my temperature just to whine and gain sympathy.

Boo came over for a short swim before work, and while i the sick one went down to "sunbathe" in the shade with my bikini. Was feeling alright and happy sitting around in the shade, running around the pool for some "toe dipping".
I was thrilled to spot 4 squirrels hopping around the perimeters of the pool, crawling up the pool umbrellas, deck chairs and table, playing and chasing each other. They're so cute, and definitely too fast to snap a proper picture of them!

Shit started happening later when my nap got disrupted by the "conflict in my surrounding climate".
There i am feeling warm like a mug of hot cocoa, with icy hands and shivering when the fan is barely blowing at me. How to sleep?!

So i tried sleeping about everywhere else in the house.

Falling asleep with my head on my knees (still on my chair) because it felt cooler than the bed. Then dozing off while pee-ing in the toilet, then shifting back to the bed, the living room sofa. Yeah, you get the idea about the sleep rotation theory.
Being one who absolutely believes in the self healing process, i never like to take medicine unless forced to, because pill swallowing makes me sick. However, as of monday until now, i have taken to consuming Panadol the way a drug addict does as often as he could.

Skipping Panadol just once meant hell to me, coz trust me, i have already tried weaning myself off medication upon feeling better yesterday. The aftermath was horrible!

Horrid enough to ensure that i'll eat up my 2 pills every 6-8 hours.
I bet Boo will be amazed enough to tell you how miraculous it is, to see Daphne eating Panadol on her own accord.

This is by far the largest quantity of Panadol i have taken in total in my entire life, not counting the days i had to rely on Panadol as painkillers in the hospital when i had my Scoliosis operation.
Things that i have missed out on so far..
I was supposed to meet up with Zoe and Daniel for a secret outing to a secret place after they are done with watching spidey 3. But alas, stupid fever made me missed it.

Ben later called to ask if i wanted to meet for Dinner/dessert, and he said that i sounded bad, and decided that we shall meet another day.

Lydia is back, so i called her, and she asked what is wrong with me, because i sounded like a tranny.

I missed Eelyn's communicasia casting on both days because i was too sick to get my "dead" body out of whichever sleeping position i am in = loss of income! Boo!

Trina asked me on sunday, if i could help her with her Erdinger Roadshow on Monday, but again, i'm too sick to open my mouth to whine, so much less to even think about working? = loss of income. *sulks*

On both days when i call mommy up to get me dinner, i sounded bad enough to get nags from her, but of which, i drifted in and out of sleep in the process.
Of which, dinner, instant noodle, 3 in 1 cereal mix, they are all tasteless to me. Even drinking plain water makes me nauseous! Life absolutely sucks for now! What a way to start my holidays!

Till my tastebuds recover, i shall refrain from feasting on expensive food.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Walkie Bits

Yes boo, we've both decided that this is an expensive dumb toy to have, but here's the picture of that cutesy pink walkie turtle that i told u about!

Upon further research, the turtle is able to walk to the rythem depicted by the tapping of the shell. Turtle shell decoration could be done with the use of nail polish, and other matier, or with the shell decoration pack.

In short, it is a cute turtle robot! Ho ho ho! (my click here function isn't working! *angry*) to read up more about it.

And no, i do not intend to get myself a new friend. It'll just end up obsolete, just like my nodding fairy.

According to Boo, he says that the walking turtle comes in a soft toy version that walks too.
Gah.... toys! Why weren't they this smart when i was younger?

Shoo! exams!

Yay! Now that i am finally done with exams for this semester, all i have left to do, if to hop around and have fun, sleep in, and worry about my results.
Of course, there's also my Bali trip to anticipate, though the boo is rather worried that i would not be able to adapt to the conditions there. oops.

Anyways, just a quick run through of my days...

Wednesday was happy day for me!
The minute i left the exam hall, i was hyper! I was talking animatedly, sms-ing animatedly, and acting randomly happy.
Took me a really long while to settle down for my short nap.

I woke up to eat my dinner, talked animatedly to mommy, then dress up for ZOUK!
It has been a long while, since i last dressed up for anything fun! So i made sure i took loads of pictures to commemorate my happy day!

Zouk-ing was as usual, everyone reacted to my new permed hairdo, with the usual teasing, but i'll live with it. My usual plot of space was taken up, due to circumstances, so i headed over to join Jo, Jasmin and Nicole over at the speakers for the first time! Woah! It was definitely a deafening experience! haha!

Met up with many old friends that night. =D

Woke up for job casting in the afternoon at BatesAsia, then rushed over to BRIX for a job assignment in the evening.

Hah, you must be thinking, "woah, just a day after your exams, and i am already working?!"
Yes, the only time i am not lazy, is when there's good money involved.
I can be hardworking, when i want to. *smirks*
Boo came to pick me up after work, and i went blading, while he jogged.

Upon reaching home, i made some crazy decision, and decided to stay awake!
Wanting to avoid the crazy "hello kitty" queues that is synonomously associated with the Immigrations Checkpoint Authority people (ICA), I made sure that i set foot into the building early to settle my passport and NRIC matters.

True enough, i made it there at 8.30-8.45 am! *beams!*
Having long forgotten the nightmares associated with public transport and peak hours, i was quickly reminded of how gross and sad life can be, when one is commuting around!

The process of waiting for my uber slow moving bus, and getting to my nearest train station (which is only 3 bus stops away) took me 30 minutes in total.
Yet the ultimate experience would be to fit and squish myself into the remaining 10 by 10 cm space in the crowded train, if i wanted to get to Lavender fast!

Yes, so i exhaled deeply, and made myself as small and flat as i could , and eased myself into my little plot of space, just before the damn doors closed.
So much for pride and composture.
True enough, i was the 25th person in queue, and the 2nd dumb ass of the morinng that had to go through the interview about why i lost my NRIC!

The dumbest thing that happened to me that morinng, would be the taking of my passport pictures!
A reminder to all : If you would really like to have pretty passport picture of yourself to be taken, do else where but ICA. The woman there on the 3rd or 4th level was definitely a pain in the ass.

I was promptly told that my fringe would have to go! Apparently there's some dumb regulations about how your eyebrows cannot be partially covered by your hair!
It was a "what the hell moment" for me, and i tried my best to keep my fringe up.
I Looked geeky for sure.

1) The dumb woman made me pose, then told me to adjust my fringe, and told me to adjust my chair forward.

2) I reposed, had to fix up my fringe, smiled again, and was told to shift my head to the left.

3) Once again, i posed, was reminded of my fringe covering my brows, and was told to tilt my head to the left.

4) posed. got reminded about flopping fringe, and was asked to raise my chin.

My patience was wearing thin, and I was ready to hammer the damn woman! Self help machines are definitely great!
It would at least give me the privacy and respect that i would have like to get!

I made sure i rewarded myself with a good breakfast after enduring the entire passport and NRIC application process, before going to bed.
So it was crystal jade congee and the shrimp rice rolls for me!
Woke up in the evening, to work at BRIX again. I was zoned out like a zombie, and felt shitty from the lack of sleep, and suddenly dolling up my face didnt seem as fun as it was to me on wednesday.

I trudged my way to work, and boo came to pick me up after work again!
I had a sumptous supper/dinner!
ice cream from that gelato place outside Lido, then minced meat noodle, with popiahs and stingray at Newton! Freaking hungry and i am sick again!

Well that was thursday and Friday for you!

Rest day for me! I slept til 3pm, and went shopping with Boo!
Headed over to Queensway to get himself new spectacle frames and colored lens (so vain), then moved over to town for dinner at Fish and Co.
I enjoy slacking, if only i was not busy coughing my lungs out. Gah!
I think slight fever is creeping up on me soon =(

Oh well, Boo and i were browsing at mobile phones at the hello! shop, and followed by the Gramophone shop at Takashimaya earlier, when it dawned upon me that the word to explain my lack of keeness to replace all the gadgets that i have lost is reluctance.

Scrutinizing at the new ipod nanos displayed there, there is visible differences between the new Nano, and the old one.
I have to live with the fact that my new nano (if i ever get it again), would never be the same as the old one, despite the fact that new gadgets are always better than the old.

I am indignant at the fact that i have to spend double to money, to get back what i have lost.
What's worst, it does not feel the same anymore. The sentiments attached to my gadgets cannot be comprehended, but i certainly do take good care of my belongings in my own little manner.

It is probably dumb, because gadgets, unlike living things do not have feelings.
But i do. *pouts*
It's mother's day!
I have plans in mind for mommy, but executing them would highly depend on my ability to get up early. We'll see, i guess!

Til then! Good night!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

phone and birthdays!

I'm officially sick. Down with the flu Again...
I feel overdosed with 2 redoxon vitamin C, 1 sorethroat tablet, 1 clarinase and 1 minty losenges. *feels pukish* Just imagine all the water that i had to drink!
I can so feel the water sloshing about in my tummy in sequence with my movements, while the pills float along like a little toyboats in a bathtub!

In anycase, it was boo's birthday on the 3 of May! But good things are best celebrated in multiple days, so i've decided that it shall be a week's worth of birthday celebration for boo! =)

Happy birthday boo! *big grin*
You're officially 27 now! Is that considered as late twenties or what?!
Hee hee hee

Boo's department was giving out tickets to spidey 3 for free! So we went along and caught the show, along with free drink and popcorns!

We rushed home after the movie to cut his birthday cake with his family
Chocolate fudge cake! It did not help with the sore throat that i have developed.

I started on my first Yoga crusade after the cake!
I am now extremely aware that i have the flexibility of a hundred year old woman.
Boo's mom is more flexible than me, can you believe that?!

Had the birthday dinner with boo's family. We headed over to Vivocity for Japanese ala carte buffet at Aji by Hanabi.

The food is pretty good, and the sashimi is really fresh. I'm never been much of a sashimi fan, but at least i ate a few slices of fish and what nots today.
Only bad thing about the meal, would be the lack of a dessert. *pouts*

But like what Bernard says, the buffet was originally meant as an accompaniment snack for sake drinks, but since we Singaporeans aren't too cultured in the sake drinking habit, it became a meal instead of a snack.
I got my Automated teller machine (ATM) card generated at the bank on Wednesday.
You have no idea how happy i felt, getting back a bit of what i've lost.

I'm currently using my old Project shop pink leather wallet, and except for my police report and alittle bit of cash, it is empty.

Getting my card back, meant that a slot in the wallet has been occupied.
I'm awaiting for the Debit master card and its friends to be mailed/couriered to me. It will apparently take 5 working days for DBS/POSB to mail to me - *sigh* so much for efficiency. I'll have been a dead dried corpse, if i didnt make the trip down to the bank.

And boo boo! i never quite saw the courier man coming along with my other card either. *frowns*

I have also collected my replacement SIM card from Starhub on Wednesday!
Definitely yet another liberating experience!
Being "uncontactable" has its perks, however the inconvenience soon overwhelms the "unavailable" mode. Everyone grumbles about not able to locate me. Hahahhaa..

Adapting to replacement phones always drives me nuts!
I was using the Motorola L6 earlier, and just by figuring out where the profiles and settings are, not to mention the process of SMS. I wonder how i managed to survive using it the last time round.

So i decided to switch to the old nokia phones at home.
Leaving me with a choice of:
The 6260

or the 6610i.

Alas! I could not locate the old fat chargers! so i stuck around more to the L6 for another day, until mommy tells me where she's hidden the old chargers.
I finally settled on the 6020, and i had a great time fumbling around! First i smsed Da, instead of mommy, and next i rushed to answer the phone, and ended up broadcasting the phone call in loud speakers!
I could not figure out what the "huge fullstop in fontsize 100, with brackets" sign on the left hand corner of the phone was, until boo told me later that it was the old logo for bluetooth!
Gah! I feel dumb! Everything feels weird when you are using backdated technology!

I am that ignorant -_-".

Then boo's mom offered her spare phone to me!

The nicest replacement phone of the lot! The Nokia 7270! *grinz*
The specs and operating system is somewhat close to the 7610, so i am feeling less of a tech idiot for now! Yay!

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Ever gone through days where you feel that every aspect of your life is falling apart? Some sort of a rough patch?
Well, at least i do.
It seems as though as my world is falling apart, crumbling, somewhat like a smashed cookie.

I am not happy, and nothing seem to be able to bring about gaiety to my life.
I am not satisfied, depite all that shopping that i have done.
And i do not think my lack of enthusiasm in life has anything got to do with trauma or what i have experienced recently.
It is about my indifference and stale reactions to everything that ails me.

I'm feeling crappy over my replacement phone, but yet all that is available in the market seem equally unappealing to me.

I feel pressured into making a hasty decision whether to settle for an ipod and a crappy phone,
or go without an ipod and get a spanky phone.

Pushed into planning a schedule for the next day, when in truth - i dont have one, and dont feel like having one.

Yet when i do make a choice, it always falls short of expectations.
It's as if i'm never good enough, and i never will - no matter how hard i work at it.

A snail's a snail. Face it you, you can try to change the characteristics of a snail, but your pet snail is never going to be happy. Why choose a snail in the first place?

Right now, i'm just feeling weary.
perhaps i AM jaded, and i need a break.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


What was supposed to be an entry of how i spent my day in JB, has now become a shitty entry of how a Malaysian asshole snatched my Handbag.

The fucking thing about the entire ordeal?
It was over in a flash. Wow!

I barely set my foot on the ground after crossing over to the other side of the road, and next thing i knew, my right hand hurt like hell, nearly got flung off balance, and a fucker on a motorbike is holding on to a bag that looks alot like mine ( Yeah, it WAS mine!)
All i had to utter in response, was "fucked!", and he was gone.

The fucker was on a motorbike ( you know the typical ones most malaysians use) , attacked from the back. He drove past me and yanked my bag that was slinged on my shoulders.

No, i was not complacent, and neither was i feeling cocky about being in Malaysia.
In fact, I was holding onto the handle of my bag, despite it slinging/sitting on my shoulders, because everyone warned me about how unsafe JB was.
So save me your "tsk tsk tsk, and i told you so", lest you get mugged by karma, for laughing.

Boo gave chased after the bike, in hope to get a license number plate/ grab my bag or something. He gave chased for quite a distance and came back.
But man running after a motorvehicle seems to be a furtile effort.
Yes my boyfriend is upset that he's unable to do anything to prevent it from happening.

What the hell was in my bag?
my Passport
Wallet containing:
SGD $70
credit cards
SIM student card
RMIT student card
Examination slip that u have to provide when you enter the exam hall.
$200 shopping vouchers mostly from C.K. Tang and alittle for Takashimaya.

My nokia N70
Boo's Nokia 6170
My ipod Nano
Lver Cardigan
my Ralph pouch with makeup in it:

My newly bought face powder from Sasa
newly bought ZA mascara
a fiber wig mascara from Sasa
Etuisais eye concealer
bodyshop eyeshawdow
bodyshop retractable blusher brush
Biotherm lippy
Clinique lippy
Red Earth lippy

I am upset at the loss of everything, but the bag.
The bag was a freebie from biotherm, and it did not mean much to me, but everything in it DID Matter to me.
You know how much everything cost, after adding up?
Let's see...

my Passport (how much is replacement fees?)
Wallet from Liz claiborne (a gift, no idea how much it cost)
NRIC ($60 for replacement?)
SGD $70
House key
Coach Key Ring $70 - 100
credit cards
SIM student card
RMIT student card
Examination slip that u have to provide when you enter the exam hall.
$200 shopping vouchers mostly from C.K. Tang and alittle for Takashimaya.
My nokia N70 i think its worth at least $200 if i trade it in
Boo's Nokia 6170 probably 150-200?
My ipod Nano retail priced at $298?
Lver Cardigan worth $60 plus
my Ralph pouch with makeup in it:
cosmetic in total about $80

Total: about $998 and it's excluding the cost of getting replacement passport and NRIC, new phones, and new ipod nano, so the total loss is still unestimated.

As for Me, a 5cm scratch under the wrist and a sore arm from the impact of getting my bag yanked from.
Traumatised and very, very sensitive to motorcycle coming from my back, and extremely emotional about the loss of my ipod, a gift from boo.
my black cardigan that can never be replaced and the lack of my face paint to get out of the house.
Possible security issues because boo is convinced that the bugger ( if he haven't already died frm choking from his food yet), has all the necessary details, to break into my house to steal my money. Therefore, i have to replace my house keys and door locks.

Having to go through mutiple police statement reports, getting my identification and bank documents replaced, to buy yet another new phone, and to live with it.

I hope that asshole dies soon! He deserves it.