Sunday, May 20, 2007

Solitary emptiness.

Empty. Solitary.
That pretty much sums up everything and how i feel for life.
It is as if i have lost a cause, lost my zest for life.
I haven't been feeling particularly sociable of recent days.
Neither am i feeling my happiest for sure.

Being sick was a good excuse to stay off social events, to bum around at home.
I don't particularly feel like talking much, and neither do i have the mood or interest to talk about anything intrinsic, least of all-gossip. Small talks bores the shit off me.

I take no interest in any one's life, not even those that i hold dear to.
It is as if I'm in search of a new cause in life, something to look forward to.
Every one's idea of fun, is definitely NOT what i have in mind.

Nope, not shopping, not clubbing, neither is having tea or leisurely luxuries of bumming. I've had a hand in all that, and it did not make me happy for too long.

I would not even care less, if i wore the same outfit twice in consecutive days. Dressing up, is in fact a chore to me. In fact, dressing up and looking good is no big deal to me.

What have i transformed into?

I guess it will take me time to prioritise my life, to find out exactly what i want.
To sort out my friends, my future, in short - my life.

This is probably a little too morbid, and too deep for comprehension, or elaboration.
Guess we'll leave this as it.