Thursday, July 28, 2005

i love my friends

I've been bugged by at least 3 people as to why haven't i been blogging for a really long time, therefore it's only right that i fill in the missing blanks.
I haven't exactly disappeared, but like what my previous entries suggested, im currently going through a rather difficult stage of my life, and im trying hard to get out of it.
Everything seems like it couldn't possibly get any darker, so i'll dare say that things would hopefully start getting better. Having already confided to those who cares and mattered to me, about my issues and my concerns, I am already feeling much better. Everyone assured me that im not alone, and it's good to know that i've still got friends around to help me tide over difficult times.

Today, I went off to OCBC building to have dinner at this place known as the "Executive's Club", to celebrate Shanice's 1st birthday. Shanice is beanie's "god niece" erm., since technically, she's "god granddaughter" to beanie's dad. Am i right? This is getting confusing. I've only met her thrice personally, and i'd say that she's looking cute and cuddly, though grumpy and threatening to cry at times.

Cute little Shanice somewhat reminded me of Maggie Simpson, when she sucks her pacifier. Though exterior wise, she's like this live japanese baby doll, Fair skinned and chubby cheeks.
Rather playful, but tantrums aplenty. i doubt i'll want my daughter to behave like her. Somewhat, i seem to think that her parent's aren't educating her the right way. Like there was this architectural kind of lamp that's in a circular/ballish shape. She pointed at it, being facinated like all kids, and all her dad could say was.... "circle!"
Technically speaking, wouldn't it be more logical, and politically right to educate your child by telling them it's a light?

Initially, I'm rather surprised to find out that she hasn't learnt to walk, or talk properly yet. Rather than to communicate with her in baby talk, After the dinner, i'm able to conclude that her speech and motor development is very much hindered by inexperienced parenting.

Her mom thinks that she's not ready to try to feed herself, and she isn't ready to walk on her own. They don't seem too worried about her not being able to mutter simple words like mama, papa, and mum mum. Being totally happy with her incoherant mutterings.

I don't doubt Shanice's capability to walk or talk, as she does react rather intelligently when we talk and play with her. you'll never learn to walk, if you're afraid to fall - With her parents being obsessed with her not falling, or to think that she's not ready to play with her own food, it's not surprising that she's not learnt to walk or to do things herself.

Seriously. i've seen enough counsins, and babies to know better. Not that im a mommy myself, but it doesn't take an idiot to know about child development.There's my brother for instance, and all the text available to you about child psychology, and development. You learn all that in basic Home Economics in school. Seriously, theory in child development is child's play to most.

I couldn't help but disapproving, but could only eat my dinner in objection. Food's ok, and we're like the only people in the restaurants, other than the service people.
Likes the steamed prawns best. yum!

I Didn't feel like going to Mambo today, and i already told Crix earlier that i'm too tired to actually be doing the weekly routine. Though assuring him that i'll join them again, once i feel that im ready and settled with my new life.

What new life? You must be wondering. New life to me would be the adjustments that i've gotta get used to, with school work, timetable, council activities, and spending time with baby, and personal time for myself.

I'm probably the world's worst planned person. I'm horrible at juggling my time properly. My life can't be screwed any further. It's horrible. Which explains for the depression phase that im currently stuck in.

Not to worry about me, for the fact that im actually admitting my problems, it kinda show that im working to overcome problems.

To step out of my dark little shell, and be brave. Main piorities would be to survive through this semester, and the many more to come, and hopefully graduate soon. ( It's such a long way to go, my future's looking pretty bleak and misty. )

Harry Potter is depressing too, with Dumbledore dead, and i've always know that Snape would turn out to be such a traitor!
Having no intentions to return to Hogwarts with all that happened, i feel that Harry's growing up way too soon. What started out as harmless children's fantasty reading materials, somehow turned into really dark story contents. Depressiing. Whatever happened to stories that ends with "and they live happily ever after"?

Enough of Harry Potter, but there's pressing issues like.....
Me being damn broke!
I can't believe that i acutally overspent til im left with a pitiful amount in my bank. If it wasn't for the fact that i went to withdraw money earlier, i wouldn't have realised that i've actually have been overshopping with my masters or nets.

Apparently my grades aren't the only thing i ought to pioritise. I should just stop splurging.
I tried doing my own little maths in shopping terms...
and this is what i've recalled for the last 2 weeks....

1)pet supplies $80 and abv
2)new linen pants slightly abv $30
3)Spanish cape $25
4)a few new tops $80
5)my hair cut @ blitz $40

i can't quite recall what other stuff i've spent on.
But im in such deep shit. So So broke.
Hope mommy would reimburse me with the pet supplies, coz i really dread eating into my other saving accounts. Bleh.
Im such a hopeless person, when it comes to saving. Drastic suggestions to curb spending, anyone?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

blogging. Yawn

yawn... Blogging seemed to have lost it's flavour. I can't seem to bother to blog anymore, and i seem to have lost the time to blog. Must have been all that flurry of activities that i'm stuck with. Ya know, the school bash preparations , school work itself, all that interviews that the EXCO have to sit through, and recruitment booth and initiation day. Boy! im totally exhausted.

Exhaustion. I mean the lost of energy and enthusiasium to do anything. All my favourite activities and past time seem tasteless suddenly. Mambo doesn't appeal to me anymore, shopping seem meaningless, as for my highly anticipated online shopping... tsk..well browsing is more mundane, than exciting. Even if i did a search for a particular item that i main problem at the moment, is my mind's a total blank. I've got no idea what i wanted.

I mean, i know what i want, and i've gotten them already. There seem a point whereby, there is seriously nothing for me to get. I bidded for the GoJane spanish cape, and Tada... i got it. Opened the package, stared at it and go...that's it? So much for anticipation.
Next on my list, would be the Old Navy Linen clutch bag. I've got so many of the same item in my watch list, that there couldn't possibly be anymore that i haven't seen. It's only a matter of time, before i'm gonna bid for it, (ya know, waiting for the very last min, before bidding on it, to avoid any competition.) Life's boring.

I probably need new, interesting stuff to do, before i waste my life away. Believe me, i probably would be more productive, revising my work, rather than to sit in front of my joybook, looking like a bloppy lump of thankless creature. But i do find it necessary to make an effort to place an entry, occassionally. Blah! contradicting isn't it?

Recruitment for Student Council, isn't as successful as i've envisioned it to be. Bash, seem to be a really rush affair, considering that we've got less than a month to prepare! Argh! Not exactly a failure, but it's getting rather depressing for me. Depressed that things aren't the way i envisioned, and it ain't a bed of roses, but i'll have to admit, that im inefficient alright!

I went over to the Candy Empire today, and spent a total of $10 bucks on sweets. Haha, speaking of sweet tooth, or a reprived childhood. I bought my usual Joosters, and there's this candy dust packaged in a compact powder kind of case. It's pink and cute. There's this other sweet, which is packaged as a fire extinguisher. It's supposed to squirt water, once im done with the candy.
Yup, 3 items for 10 bucks. I wonder why i bought them, though i must admit that i bought the compact candy dust for the box, and the fire extinguisher for the squirt. The joosters coz it's yummy. Sigh.. yes..Candy Empire is a really expensive and high class "mama store".

Actually, to think of it, (now that my mouth's stuffed with white chocolate, and my sugar level just went up), i missed the old "Candy Express" that used to be situated at the Basement of Wisma. They had this huge assortement of marshmellows, Lollis, the various sizes and assortments of Jawbreakers, and the sugar crystals on a stick. Somehow, business went bust i think, and they disappeared. It was my very own "Willy Wonka's factory". All the pretty sweets that any child could ever dream of, was found in there!

Candy Express, does it ring a bell to you?

Speaking of candies, i really fancied the candy store over at the Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia. Those fabulous hand made candies are to die for, and it's been my dream to set up a store in here. Those candies are delicious, and pretty! The thought of it cheers me up.
It's like those sweet shops in that's being described in Enid Blyton's stories. Noddy, or whatever brownie town, fairyland and all. Hmmm Simply magical!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Im alive!

Yeah i know, i've been missing for a really Looooooooong time, but that doesn't mean that im dead.

I've been really busy with lots of stuff, for the last 2 weeks of my holidays, and currently, the start of school term. Being busy with Freshies's Orientation was like a never ending event, but i managed to make my way over to Genting, and Malacca, just before the Freshie's Orientation started. Coming back in time to fine tune things alittle, then Hey Presto! It's the long awaited Orientation Day!!!

Everything started out reallly messy, with people looking lost, actually being lost ( they're unsure of the groups that they're supposed to be in), and the OGLs, and Gamemasters late. I was on the verge of tearing my hair off my scalp. Luckily, everything improved and things went on smoothly, with occasional hiccups.

The Excos ended Orientation day, by hanging out together at Mambo later in the night.
Exhausted we were, but we managed to hang on in there, til nearly 3. Most of us went crazy, with occasional wave of exhaustion washing over us.

Thought i could have a really nice sleep after Mambo, but alas! I was woken up early in the morning by Elaine, with Orienatation debrief matters to settle. Bah!

Enough said about Orientation. It's over, but im glad that things turned out fine, though i have to agree that there's still room for improvement. The first event that our new presiding committee is involved together. So exciting! Many more events to go, for this entire semester. hahah!

School officially started today for me, but as usual, i was back in school on Monday, for Council interview. Yeah, it's interview, interview, interview for us all, for the whole of this week. It's a wonder that i still have energy to blog here.

Im really excited about this new bunch of freshies that would soon be joining us as members in the Student's Council, hoping that everything would run smoothly for us in the many events to come.

We made new friends today, with our neighbours, the Existing Commitee from UOL. It's rather pleasant meeting them, as i've often considered them the phantom neighbours. Due to the difference in term break, and schedule, i've never met them in my life, til today, Haha. I like it.

alright, that probably sums up what i've been up to, during my disappearance, and though it sounds really trival, they are all pretty time consuming matters.
Beanie officially started work at CitiBank on monday, and so far so good *crossing fingers*
It's rather exciting to be shopping with him for work clothes, instead of casuals, coz it's something that i've never done before, and i had fun checking out the tie selections, despite myself not being an avid tie person. But ties nowadays are so cute! there's man playing golf motifs, there's the pretty candied stripe ones, the serious looking ones, and the textured ones!

I never was given an opportunity for tie shopping, considering the fact that daddy never wears one, cept for special occasions, like on his wedding day, and also his Company's function. In 22 years of my life, i've only recalled my dad shopping for a good business suit and wearing a tie once! Told you i've been deprived of tie shopping!

I fancied the colored canided ones, you know, they axtually look yummy enough to be eaten, but beanie seemed to have developed a distaste for pretty color combinationed ties. Boo! haa!
But i'd still say that he look pretty cute all dressed up in his shirt and tie and new pants! yay!

I was watching the documentary of : "The Da Vinci code", the other day, and it got me started on the book. Good for me that the set of book that i laid my hands on, was the illustrated version, that actually shows you pictures of the places, churches, pictures, equipments, that were mentioned in the book. Makes reading more interesting. I haven't been interested in books like this for ages. The last time i recall reading books of such depth would be 1421. It's all about Admiral Cheng Ho, and 2 other Eunuchs sailed around the world in their Junk, and how Zheng He discovered and stepped foot on America long before Columbus discovered it.

Pretty keen on going for the 1421 exhibition along Marina, and the other one at the maritime place, but i'll have to see if i have the time to. After all, a busy bummerina's gotta do what a busy bummerina gotta do. Ha!

I miss my romance novel. But i'll probably spare what possible time i have in the next book, about this stray cat's point of view on humans. It sounds quite interesting, but i'll just have to spare time to finish up that little bit of Da vici code, then i'll be done with it.

Can't wait for the next Harry Potter to be out, though there is a relatively noticeable drop in the publicity that it's receiving, as compared to the other books. Seems very minimal.

Lalala. You do realise that the lesser i blog in here, the more time i'll be able to finish up on The Da Vinci Code, do you?
Ta ta....