Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Im alive!

Yeah i know, i've been missing for a really Looooooooong time, but that doesn't mean that im dead.

I've been really busy with lots of stuff, for the last 2 weeks of my holidays, and currently, the start of school term. Being busy with Freshies's Orientation was like a never ending event, but i managed to make my way over to Genting, and Malacca, just before the Freshie's Orientation started. Coming back in time to fine tune things alittle, then Hey Presto! It's the long awaited Orientation Day!!!

Everything started out reallly messy, with people looking lost, actually being lost ( they're unsure of the groups that they're supposed to be in), and the OGLs, and Gamemasters late. I was on the verge of tearing my hair off my scalp. Luckily, everything improved and things went on smoothly, with occasional hiccups.

The Excos ended Orientation day, by hanging out together at Mambo later in the night.
Exhausted we were, but we managed to hang on in there, til nearly 3. Most of us went crazy, with occasional wave of exhaustion washing over us.

Thought i could have a really nice sleep after Mambo, but alas! I was woken up early in the morning by Elaine, with Orienatation debrief matters to settle. Bah!

Enough said about Orientation. It's over, but im glad that things turned out fine, though i have to agree that there's still room for improvement. The first event that our new presiding committee is involved together. So exciting! Many more events to go, for this entire semester. hahah!

School officially started today for me, but as usual, i was back in school on Monday, for Council interview. Yeah, it's interview, interview, interview for us all, for the whole of this week. It's a wonder that i still have energy to blog here.

Im really excited about this new bunch of freshies that would soon be joining us as members in the Student's Council, hoping that everything would run smoothly for us in the many events to come.

We made new friends today, with our neighbours, the Existing Commitee from UOL. It's rather pleasant meeting them, as i've often considered them the phantom neighbours. Due to the difference in term break, and schedule, i've never met them in my life, til today, Haha. I like it.

alright, that probably sums up what i've been up to, during my disappearance, and though it sounds really trival, they are all pretty time consuming matters.
Beanie officially started work at CitiBank on monday, and so far so good *crossing fingers*
It's rather exciting to be shopping with him for work clothes, instead of casuals, coz it's something that i've never done before, and i had fun checking out the tie selections, despite myself not being an avid tie person. But ties nowadays are so cute! there's man playing golf motifs, there's the pretty candied stripe ones, the serious looking ones, and the textured ones!

I never was given an opportunity for tie shopping, considering the fact that daddy never wears one, cept for special occasions, like on his wedding day, and also his Company's function. In 22 years of my life, i've only recalled my dad shopping for a good business suit and wearing a tie once! Told you i've been deprived of tie shopping!

I fancied the colored canided ones, you know, they axtually look yummy enough to be eaten, but beanie seemed to have developed a distaste for pretty color combinationed ties. Boo! haa!
But i'd still say that he look pretty cute all dressed up in his shirt and tie and new pants! yay!

I was watching the documentary of : "The Da Vinci code", the other day, and it got me started on the book. Good for me that the set of book that i laid my hands on, was the illustrated version, that actually shows you pictures of the places, churches, pictures, equipments, that were mentioned in the book. Makes reading more interesting. I haven't been interested in books like this for ages. The last time i recall reading books of such depth would be 1421. It's all about Admiral Cheng Ho, and 2 other Eunuchs sailed around the world in their Junk, and how Zheng He discovered and stepped foot on America long before Columbus discovered it.

Pretty keen on going for the 1421 exhibition along Marina, and the other one at the maritime place, but i'll have to see if i have the time to. After all, a busy bummerina's gotta do what a busy bummerina gotta do. Ha!

I miss my romance novel. But i'll probably spare what possible time i have in the next book, about this stray cat's point of view on humans. It sounds quite interesting, but i'll just have to spare time to finish up that little bit of Da vici code, then i'll be done with it.

Can't wait for the next Harry Potter to be out, though there is a relatively noticeable drop in the publicity that it's receiving, as compared to the other books. Seems very minimal.

Lalala. You do realise that the lesser i blog in here, the more time i'll be able to finish up on The Da Vinci Code, do you?
Ta ta....