Thursday, July 28, 2005

i love my friends

I've been bugged by at least 3 people as to why haven't i been blogging for a really long time, therefore it's only right that i fill in the missing blanks.
I haven't exactly disappeared, but like what my previous entries suggested, im currently going through a rather difficult stage of my life, and im trying hard to get out of it.
Everything seems like it couldn't possibly get any darker, so i'll dare say that things would hopefully start getting better. Having already confided to those who cares and mattered to me, about my issues and my concerns, I am already feeling much better. Everyone assured me that im not alone, and it's good to know that i've still got friends around to help me tide over difficult times.

Today, I went off to OCBC building to have dinner at this place known as the "Executive's Club", to celebrate Shanice's 1st birthday. Shanice is beanie's "god niece" erm., since technically, she's "god granddaughter" to beanie's dad. Am i right? This is getting confusing. I've only met her thrice personally, and i'd say that she's looking cute and cuddly, though grumpy and threatening to cry at times.

Cute little Shanice somewhat reminded me of Maggie Simpson, when she sucks her pacifier. Though exterior wise, she's like this live japanese baby doll, Fair skinned and chubby cheeks.
Rather playful, but tantrums aplenty. i doubt i'll want my daughter to behave like her. Somewhat, i seem to think that her parent's aren't educating her the right way. Like there was this architectural kind of lamp that's in a circular/ballish shape. She pointed at it, being facinated like all kids, and all her dad could say was.... "circle!"
Technically speaking, wouldn't it be more logical, and politically right to educate your child by telling them it's a light?

Initially, I'm rather surprised to find out that she hasn't learnt to walk, or talk properly yet. Rather than to communicate with her in baby talk, After the dinner, i'm able to conclude that her speech and motor development is very much hindered by inexperienced parenting.

Her mom thinks that she's not ready to try to feed herself, and she isn't ready to walk on her own. They don't seem too worried about her not being able to mutter simple words like mama, papa, and mum mum. Being totally happy with her incoherant mutterings.

I don't doubt Shanice's capability to walk or talk, as she does react rather intelligently when we talk and play with her. you'll never learn to walk, if you're afraid to fall - With her parents being obsessed with her not falling, or to think that she's not ready to play with her own food, it's not surprising that she's not learnt to walk or to do things herself.

Seriously. i've seen enough counsins, and babies to know better. Not that im a mommy myself, but it doesn't take an idiot to know about child development.There's my brother for instance, and all the text available to you about child psychology, and development. You learn all that in basic Home Economics in school. Seriously, theory in child development is child's play to most.

I couldn't help but disapproving, but could only eat my dinner in objection. Food's ok, and we're like the only people in the restaurants, other than the service people.
Likes the steamed prawns best. yum!

I Didn't feel like going to Mambo today, and i already told Crix earlier that i'm too tired to actually be doing the weekly routine. Though assuring him that i'll join them again, once i feel that im ready and settled with my new life.

What new life? You must be wondering. New life to me would be the adjustments that i've gotta get used to, with school work, timetable, council activities, and spending time with baby, and personal time for myself.

I'm probably the world's worst planned person. I'm horrible at juggling my time properly. My life can't be screwed any further. It's horrible. Which explains for the depression phase that im currently stuck in.

Not to worry about me, for the fact that im actually admitting my problems, it kinda show that im working to overcome problems.

To step out of my dark little shell, and be brave. Main piorities would be to survive through this semester, and the many more to come, and hopefully graduate soon. ( It's such a long way to go, my future's looking pretty bleak and misty. )

Harry Potter is depressing too, with Dumbledore dead, and i've always know that Snape would turn out to be such a traitor!
Having no intentions to return to Hogwarts with all that happened, i feel that Harry's growing up way too soon. What started out as harmless children's fantasty reading materials, somehow turned into really dark story contents. Depressiing. Whatever happened to stories that ends with "and they live happily ever after"?

Enough of Harry Potter, but there's pressing issues like.....
Me being damn broke!
I can't believe that i acutally overspent til im left with a pitiful amount in my bank. If it wasn't for the fact that i went to withdraw money earlier, i wouldn't have realised that i've actually have been overshopping with my masters or nets.

Apparently my grades aren't the only thing i ought to pioritise. I should just stop splurging.
I tried doing my own little maths in shopping terms...
and this is what i've recalled for the last 2 weeks....

1)pet supplies $80 and abv
2)new linen pants slightly abv $30
3)Spanish cape $25
4)a few new tops $80
5)my hair cut @ blitz $40

i can't quite recall what other stuff i've spent on.
But im in such deep shit. So So broke.
Hope mommy would reimburse me with the pet supplies, coz i really dread eating into my other saving accounts. Bleh.
Im such a hopeless person, when it comes to saving. Drastic suggestions to curb spending, anyone?