Saturday, December 09, 2006

hair wax museum + hair styling experiment

The cute thing about working for a hair product company is that, you get loads of freebies, to test and experiement. And judging from my little pile of growing collection.. i think i'm getting a rather good start, if i ever intend to start a "hair wax museum". But i do like them... it's definitely fun experimenting with your hair, especially when it turns out cute and nice.

See I told you i did style my hair! I went to curl my hair outwards, with my crimping iron - and i'm totally thrilled by the movement of my hair, definitely an interesting result for beginners! I'm actually thinking of investing in curling irons... only that i know i'll probably end up being too lazy to style my hair every morning, when school starts!

Now that i've got all this products hanging around my room, i'm trying to make a conscience effort to style my hair before going out.

Oh well, til the next hair experiement then. =)