Monday, May 03, 2010

When lost..

As a kid, whenever I am brought to crowded places, Mommy would constantly drill the Standard Operating Procedure of getting lost to me.

"Should you ever get lost or not be able to locate mom/dad, always stay where you are, and not roam around. We'll come back for you."

At crossroads at age 27, with a new definition of being lost, - this silly SOP came back to me as I was heading out for coffee.
Does mommy's words of wisdom still apply for me now, or was it only applicable as a kid?

I wonder if I stood still long enough, would the answers and reassurance that I seek, find their way to me, or would problems that I encounter solve themselves automatically?

It is also times as such that I wished I was like a homing pigeon - to have the innate sense to find my way towards my intended direction.
I would appreciate knowing the path that I am intended for, and save myself the misery of going through a dark period as such.

However, I am thankful for friends and families who are patient, encouraging and insightful whilst I experiment and construct my new internal radar.

I only recall being lost once, and it was definitely a scary experience that never quite left me.

It was only recent years when I revealed this bit of memory to mommy, that I received the mother's edition on how they lost me, and I pieced both accounts together to get the entire story.

Here goes:
Parents decided that I was in for a weekend treat to a mini amusement place located in Parkway Parade.

Being truly efficient parents, Daddy decided to purchase rides tokens, while mommy would go get lunch for the family. They parted ways, each assuming that I would be following the other party.
While the happy, excited little girl I am, I remembered turning my heard to take in the sight of all that glittery lights and excitement (I am darn sure I was staring at the awesome swishing movement of the pirate/viking ship), only to realize that both parents were no longer in sight in that split second. :(

Realizing that I was all alone, I panicked big time.
Equipped with the logic of a 4 year old, I believed that I must have wondered off unknowingly, and therefore tried to retrace my steps.
Going back and forth for a couple of times, I had to accept the hard truth - I am lost.
Lost in the dark spooky place that did not seem so exciting anymore.

I willed myself not to cry.
I willed myself to stay calm.
I willed myself to act natural, as if I was meant to be standing alone in that dark little world filled with colorful rides, and that somehow this was merely a bad bad dream.
I swear I was abandoned for hours, but it might actually been 30 minutes or less.

(If you ask me, getting lunch and queuing up to buy ride tokens on a weekend outing would take at least 10-15 minutes, then walking to the table only to realize that their daughter was with neither parent, would take 2 minutes to hit them cold.
Hunting for me would be the priceless moment unaccounted for though. Hahaha.)

It seemed to me like forever, until the moment I caught sight of daddy/ he found me, and he promptly held my hand and led me to mom and my lunch.
It was only when I saw both mom, dad, and my stupid lunch, that I burst out crying big time.
Just think about all that brave tears I held back in the process of being lost.

I guess I was braver back then.