Thursday, October 06, 2011

Flamingo Earrings..

Finally brought the Flamingo feather earrings out for a walk tonight.
Rather pleased with how it looks on the overall. :)

The new hair color and the pink sort of complement each other in a pleasing way, and it's just too bad that photobooth is unable to capture the color of my hair.

Yes finally found the time to take a decent picture of myself.
It seems like forever, since I last updated my display picture. But I know it was just merely a month ago with the kitty shot - but you get what I mean.

Reckon the flamingo feathers suits me waaaay better than the parrot ones that I took sometime my june entry here.

Ima little nuts when it comes to accessories, and feathers just made a comeback in my dress-up-list the past few months.
I've got the peacocks during my short hair era... im refusing to post up pictures of myself, coz my cheeks are uber puffy.

My parrot feathers in tropical colors as seen in my june entry..and the crazy neon disco ones.. where I have no pictures to substantiate with.

The princess Tigerlily inspired taken back early this year..

Ok this marks the end of my feather crazed post, and in my opinion, the feathers look waay better in real life than pictures.
coz feathers are supposed to flutter when i'm walking and moving.