Saturday, November 03, 2012

Hey, Hi! Woof!

Woo~ it's Trixie Kitty Lee.
I was greeted by a terribly mangly tangly looking creature in the guise of Trixie when I set foot back home from the airport!

I spent some of my spare time, the past couple of days.
Attempting to detangle her coat of messy fur, and this is the end result!
Still extremely terribly yucky looking, but awesomely cute in my Kitty specs!

It's funny how her eyes looks extremely gorgeous hidden behind the glasses.
Awww my silly fur baby.

Trixie's been going about without a bath for slightly over 2 weeks, smelling like a Zoo!
I wanted to feed her today and realized that there's no more food for her.
Her daily meals was rudely disrupted, and I had to trek over to the Village to get her some from the petstore - as it was way too late to order delivery!

Poor neglected Trixie!
I'm trying my best to erm....make it up to her, like a guilty human should.
More treats, bigger portion of food, and more meals.

So far so good, but she's still looking like a bag of bones.
Skinny air at home maybe?