Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Change is good

I took down my previous change post, and in return, I found something more positive, and more logical than what I could verbalize on my own, and in turn might sound bitchy and angsty.

So often when things change in our lives, we have such a resistance to the change. This is because when people see a big change appearing they're often fearful that it's something bad. But it is important to remember that when something big changes in our lives, it means something better is coming. There cannot be a vacuum in the Universe, and so as something moves out, something must come in and replace it. When change comes, relax, have total faith, and know that the change is ALL GOOD.
Something more magnificent is coming to you! - Rhonda Byrne

Taking back excerpts of my recent change post to blend back with this post...

I spoke about changes and embracing changes on many occasions in my post.
I believe that to be evergreen, following the flow and changing one's perception is necessary.

Don't get me wrong.
Values and principles remains, but habits and routines do not.
When was the last time you made noticeable changes to yourself?

It could be a change in lifestyle, change in food intake, change in the way you look..
When was the last time you made changes to yourself?

When was the last time I implemented change?
At least 2 months ago in my preferred wardrobe color and style
3 weeks ago with the hair
2 weeks ago with my skin care routine
1 week ago with the nail color
3 days ago in the way I reorganized my room
2 days ago with my water intake

Think about it and implement something new in your life.
It helps to retard dementia.
Even if it means wearing mismatched socks, wearing a bow tie as a headband, cut the fringe, shave head or using toilet bowl water to wash face, I don't care.

Because you DARE to challenge yourself,
The rewards you reap is priceless.
It's like a tiny adrenaline glow that spreads with the empowerment of knowing that you made a difference in taking control of your life today.

That's how you love yourself a little more each day.
It starts from within. Be positive and embrace something new regularly.

We are masters and mistress of our own destiny, you know?