Monday, September 16, 2013

Trixie Videos

The cousin showed me a video of a dog with brilliant self discipline, and she asked if Trixie's able to do so.
I told her, that I highly doubt it, given that she's a really hyper dog with like little discipline.
I know, I spoil her....

But shortly after, I decided to give it a try (as usual)
and here's a video of Trixie showing off her self discipline.
I'm impressed.

I can't seem to find Trixie's latest video of exaggerated play dead.
I guess i'll have to reload on youtube again, before sharing.
But meanwhile, we'll just have to make do with her discipline videos, and my terrible camera skills.
How is it possible for me to focus on her, and where i'm video-ing at the same time?!
