Thursday, July 10, 2014

Catching up with myself

After a really hectic week of work and activities, the thing I really appreciate most, is to find time for myself and do whatever that pleases me..
For all that I put myself through, I owe myself a bit of pleasure in return right?

For tonight, it goes pretty much like this.. 

Lowest form of multi tasking, is to boil the water for my floral tea. It's pretty to look at, easy to drink,  and it cleans out my system. 

Next in line would be honey oats for brunch tomorrow. 
Customized oats are like my newest fad food. Added fresh milk to make it creamier to soak overnight. Totally intending to throw in slices of banana when I'm ready to consume my oats! 

And for instant consumption, would be trixie's freeze dried beef for her supper before bedtime. It seriously smells very good for dog food and she licks her lips a lot more when I'm serving her freeze dried meat, than when it's kibble time. 

This is about as housewife material I'm made out to be. Lololol 
Unless the instant noodle cooking skills are to be added into the kitchen resume. 
And then there's getting rid of dead skin that really fascinates and thrills me. 
My newest toy would be Skin inc's pure revival peel. 

Tried a few peels to date and the amount of dead skin that comes off like "eraser leftovers" for the Skinc ones are very impressive. 
I'm not sure if it meant taking more skin layers off though...

The price is rather hefty for peels. Comparatively, "The cure" cost half the price! 

Anyway, the skinc ones works pretty well, so if price tag isn't the issue, then just buy.
The one I have, is their trial set. 

Dead skin removed, it's now time for my Naruko rose hydrating mask for the face. 
I'm a sucker for any hydrating products for the skin (I've recently realized this actually) 

Like what French thermal spring water... 
Or Japanese Onsen water in my facial products.
I've also taken to drinking mineral water at least once a week. 

Water is essential! I don't know how else I can emphasize water = good skin!
It is to me, externally or internally. Both!!

Anyway, as I digress. I'm under the impression that my system is extremely dehydrated. 

My entire mouth and tongue feels like it's been freeze dried. 
Everywhere (in the mouth) feels sore and dried out, and just yesterday, it's evolved into ulcers ünder the tongue and just this morning, a crack appeared at the corner of my lips while I was brushing my teeth. 
It makes laughing out loud and eating a pain (literally!)

The corner if my mouth looks like I've just been sucker punched by someone.
I don't know how the boys deal with it after a fight, but I like the corners of my mouth intact. :(

Poor thing huh. 

Ok and lying with the bed typing this out on the phone... After slathering my skinc capsules and hydrating sleeping mask. 

I bade thee farewell... 

Post thoughts:
Taking good care of yourself ( exercise, eat right, skin care.. Etc) is a discipline Of mind over self. 

It's not just for vanity's sake, but rather it's the non verbal cue that tells people subconsciously "hey! I'm in control of my thoughts, self and body."
It speaks of prolonged mental determination to overcome the lures of being easy with yourself, and letting go. 

Taking the easy way out, is never an attitude to adopt. 
Work hard, play hard, treat yourself well in the right way, after all there's only one of you in this world and you can never reverse time.