Thursday, April 23, 2015


I thought this made a relatively funny picture. 
Despite the fact that the exposure of the picture is off, 
the rays of the sun, the dress floating/flapping behind me as I walk and talk, made it seem as if I am entering a marathon in the wrong running gear.

I am where I need to be at.
Albeit a little too lazy for my own liking, I will get to my destination eventually.

It's not all about the destination, but the journey to get there.
Travel too quickly, you will end up missing the gorgeous scenery that comes along with the journey. 
Travel too slowly, and it seems like you'll never reach *frustrated*

At the moment, I'm entering new terrains with new tasks to accomplish that I'm unused to.
Who knows where it will lead me to?
As long as I believe in it, as long as I keep going at it (within a definite time), 
I'm pretty sure the path less trodden is kinda more exciting and less congested.

Lots of experiments and brain storming has been swarming in my head.
Overthinking and hating to fail is a really bad combination. 

However,  a wise man in the form of daddy once said


The more you do/try, the more mistakes you will be prone to make. 
If you choose not to budge and do anything, there wouldn't be any mistakes made at all.

I am not perfect, but I am learning to embrace each day's task with more enthusiasm and to think and fret less. 

I am thankful for many goodness that I am surrounded with, but for this instance, I am thankful for the constant support that CL has given to me all these while, and DL for telling me that he will support me in my decisions.

At the moment, they are like my right and left, and my companions in my choice of journey.
Together, these two people have the magical ability to push me to places I'd usually say no to.

Therefore I'd say things are shaping up fine, and I am looking forward to being a noob mermaid in October, and til then -  lots of work waiting for me to accomplish!

I am my biggest enemy to my own marathon (in heels and a pretty dress). I will complete the task I have set out for myself without being Miss Inertia-Lazy-Bones Lee.