Monday, January 24, 2005

Free but torturous way to exfoliate!

As usual, woke up late. 
This time, i'm late for for the Student Council's initiation day at Sentosa, the  event organized for freshies who've just joined the council.

My day started with a bad tummyache, even before i opened my eyes!
It hurt like..Hell! Aw! 
Felt like a shrimp as I curl up in bed, hoping that the pain would go away.

If it was mom, she'd probably have nagged about my diet.
But I was camping over at Leonard's and instead of receiving nags from mommy, I got nagged at from him. 
All was good after camping in the toilet for what seemed like an evolution.

On a brighter note, He drove me over to Sentosa, because I was late?
Palawan Beach, on a sunny day, seems like a desert to me. It's hot, extremely sunny, and u feel sort of cooked, the minute u stepped out of the car.......

If it wasn't for the Council commitments, I would not have allowed myself to be under such harsh conditions. 
Sadly, I brave the sizzling weather. 

Sadly, there was a change in location, and I walked like a frigging trekking caveman, hopped up a monorail.

Sitting alone in the monorail feels weird. 
Knowing that this would probably be my last few rides on the monorail, I 
pondered to myself - will I miss this very slow but memorable trademark of Sentosa when it's gone? 

"it's a Sentosa trademark, something that has long been associated with Sentosa and travelling around the island. -- i agree with it too! "singapore would probably tender the entire monorail system to interested companies.. -- yeah like who'll be interested to pay millions to get a thing that has seen better days, and needs lots of scrubbing and cleaning? ( i wonder if they did clean the seats during SARs era?) "that or we'll scrap the monorail" -- we spent so much money on this system, isnt' it a waste to let it go like this? After all that little debate in my head, i've got to my stop. Ficus station (pronounced as fye-cus not Fee-cus, and i wonder why...) 

I got off, looked around and start wondering if i'm still lost.
After a long consultation of the map, and lots of walking under the baking sun, 
I finally saw a very familiar face.

The euphoric feeling left me when I realised that i'll have to walk on further *groan* Walk walk walk, and i saw the rest of the group. 
It was after some major coaxing that I left the comforts of the shade, and joined the others in the games. 

*poor thing*

Played lots of "group bonding" game, which essentially requires alot of physical contact like rolling over many other bodies, and passing toothpaste moustache to your friend in line, getting piggy-backed and eating an apple at the same time... 
Lucky thing was that - whichever grouped I was in, that group usually won. (we were on a constant group rotation - with the theory that we would get higher coverage of "meeting" the newbies.)
Thank god was minimal forfeits - as if being under the scorching sun wasn't bad enough a thing for me.

#spoiltbrat #Iamaluckystar

An afternoon of games barefeeted, my soles were practically cooked.
The coarse sand, the heat - I wonder how the Hindis survived fire walking.
Its contradictory how the sand aids exfoliation, while the heat frm the sun thickens the soles.  
We ended our day at KM8.
It's quite a cool place, painted the entire place white and built a Jacuzzi right next to the bar.

Unfortunately, the Jacuzzi was pretty crowded, and I did not have a go at it. :(

Showered, dressed up and left the island for dinner with the boyfriend's family.I was quite late! 

We had dinner, then went back to his house. 

I fell asleep while watchin The Incredible Hulk on HBO. 
Tired. Exhausted. But i was woken up... 
and left with 2 choices

1)sleep on, and he'll come back to get me later, or 
2)send me home. 

for he's heading over to Shing's house to play "let's wax our cars"

Initially, I chose to sleep on, but just as he was about to leave the house, I decided against it, and decided to go home instead. 

Afterall, God knows how long he'll take, and I didn't want to watch the Telly the entire night, so I raced out of the room and opened the door in a hurry to tell him that i changed my mine. 
hee hee Here i am, exhausted but wide awake, sneezing like mad, with a running nose. Looking charred, and exceptionally red on the nose posting this entry.
Quote of the day: Sun Block is good for You! Don't argue with Daphne.

Psst*  Watched The Aviator yesterday. 

All that planes featured are so cool! 
But all that handwashing that Leonardo Dicap did was mentally disturbing!