Thursday, August 11, 2005

New hair color!

Yay! I went back to Blitz at Holland V to dress up my hair!
It's currently a collection of Blonde, Red, Copper, and my base color of Blackcurrent.
I like it, i like it! Going back to Blitz seem to remind me alot of my days in Design school, where my hair's usually funky.

Being in Business school, i seem to have toned down my style of dressing, my hair styles, colors and even behaviour etc. I feel like just another monotonous commoner. I no longer stand out, feel proud and special about myself. Instead, i feel like im just another typical boring, really boring business student. The modules that i'm studying doesn't seem to stimulate my creative juices either.

The fact that i'm going back to Temasek Poly tomorrow for SIM's sport's day, gives me this little thrill! I'll be stepping back to the a common ground, where creative, funs, sweat, and efforts were spent in creating stuff, be it a retail store concept, or some wearble pieces made from my very lousy sewing, or even to hang around in the stuffy workshop experiementing with tie dyes, crocheting, screen print. Those WERE the days. I'll give anything, just to go back there, just relieve my memories all over again.

I miss the friends that i've made there, i miss the food there, and i miss being young all over again. Reminiscing these memories, just leave me with this special smile, and Tp will always have this special place. somewhere deep in my heart. It's where the lecturers truly care, unlike what we're experiencing now. I seriously doubt if the lecturers in SIM even know one name from the lecture group. It's sad and pathetic.

A far cry from what i was so used to...