Thursday, September 01, 2005

Mambo Jumbo

It's post mambo, and my legs feels like logs!
Mambo's pretty fun today. I enjoy hanging out with EXCO for's rather refreshing at times, and we always have a good time. Though this is actually our third time clubbing together, i think the chemistry is good between us. There's this very good mix of genre preference, and i think it's interesting! I had a good time sharing some mambo movements with the others, and
We all had fun bullying Adrian today. But oh well, at least he now knows a new and cute jap chick! haha

I've been a good girl today, waking up early, to meet up for the Triumph group project. It's been the first time in weeks, since i woke up early, and got to school on time, for something!
Such an achievement!!!!!

Too bad, my memory screwed up in the second part of my schedule. I thought i had a meeting with Andy, until adrian reminded me that it's supposed to be next week, not today. How silly of me!!!

Yeap, so i left school, and met up with my Boo boo! He brought me to Great World City, to watch Herbie! Herbie's so cute... it kinda inspires me to reconsider my dreamcar!
first there was the Beetle ( new ones), then i decided that it's impractical for me to maintain a shiny new i settled for a cheap rusty old Mazda 121 as a "realistic dreamcar", then i juggled 121 with miata...can't quite decide which is nicer, and less costly... haha...and now there's "herbie" in the picture as well. Oh well.

If i've got the money, i'll get myself a nice shiny new pearly white beetle. It'll be nice and classic.
Oh's all "what ifs" Haha.

Before we watched Herbie, i stopped by at the pet store that's located near the cinema to check out the guinea pigs! they're so so so so Adorable! There's the baby ones that's barely the size of my handphone, and there's 3 that are the size of a normal feather duster.

Comparing Pix!e to the feather duster pigs, pix!e's only the size of a huge toilet brush.
she's so small, as compared to those giants.
I haven't been skimping on her food alright, she's got a daily dosage of Vitamin C, daily serving of Pig pellet, all the cabbage that she wants, and hay, and even hamster food as treats! She's eating better than i am! Such a high maintainence piggie! Bah!
All i wanted, was for her to be the size of a small feather duster! Why isn't she growing?
I rushed back to school, after Herbie, and was alittle late for the meeting. EXCO meeting followed after, and we spoke about certain issues about the future, and i'll say that i'm rather relieved that things turned out fine, and that the distribution of responsibilities and roles was good. I was about to faint from hunger, by the time the meeting ended.

We went on to Sushi Tei at Holland Village for dinner, and it's yummy!
AFter dinnner, Zoe and I had a short debate on whether to, or not to go MAMBO, and after making quite a scene at the bus stop, we concluded with... a YES!

So there we were, and im now blessed with legs that feels like logs! Yes! Im dead tired, and i should be off to bed!

Oh my mood and outlook on life is picking up, and im glad that im more optimistic now! though...depression tends to set in alittle, whenever im alittle tired. I guess it's called cranky! Bleh!

Bye mambo! Hello exams!