Tuesday, December 13, 2005

ktv! KTV!

Just came home from a KTV session with Selene...one look at our pictures, and you'll know how much fun we had, though a little boring, coz she's tired from work, and i, having just woken up was still feeling lethargic.

I managed to smuggled food in there, so i could sing and stuff myself at the same time. Then i realised that im not such a good multi-tasker anymore. I couldnt sing and eat at the same time... that's when we decided to stagger songs, so we could eat alittle, and sing alittle!

we tried out new songs, instead of singing our usual repertoire, and ta da! learned more songs to sing in future, lest we bore our fans! hiak hiak.

It's wed tomorrow, and i hope to go Zouk after all the school re enrolment and stuff, then there's our thursday council meeting for the orientation, followed by UOL's bash at China Black after the meeting! Whooppee! We've got free tickets to the bash, so the EXCOs will be going together! Yay!!!

2 nights of consequtive partying! I foresee exhaustion, but it's been a long time since i last partied so hard!

I came to realise that my appetite is closely related to my mood. If im happy and generally satisfied with life, i'll eat more...and have have a tendency to be hungrier faster...
just like now for instance, im hungry again!
im glad, i had the foresight to ask dear mommy to get me dinner!
So it's dinner time II for me!

ps: i've finally completed Dan Brown's Angels & Demons, and having read this book and the Da Vinci Code, i've came to realise that his stories are all religion and Vatican related. Interesting.. but getting alittle boring.

Though i do have to admit that Im rather facinated with the ambigrams found in this book, and it truly requires a genius like the illuminati to do the ambigrams. =)