Wednesday, December 07, 2005

ra! Ra! ra! Blah! blah! Blah!

Gawd! Im so nervous, i could hardly fall asleep.
I hate the anticipations of receiving my results!

I finally stopped procrastinating and sent my joybook in for servicing again. ( in truth, if boo boo didn't offer to send me to gateway, i probably would have waited til next year, before i actually send joybook in for servicing..haha!) , luckily, the boo boo sent me there, or i'd really have no freakin idea where Gateway is. (Do you know where Gateway is?)

I spent a really long time in BenQ's office, complaining to the person attending to me about the bad service that i've received at Funan The IT Mall service centre, and how they did a bad job in repairing my Joybook and basically the main problems that i was facing with the joybook.

Had a really quick and short lunch at Beach Road while i kept rattling on and reminising about times spent in Beach Road at Grandad's house, where all my cousins and uncles and aunts and just bascially everyone would make their way for the weekly gathering.

In fact, to think of it, the address stated in my Birth Certificate would be Grandad's beach road house. Visiting Beach Road today brought back lots of nostalgic feelings. this is a place where we cousins will fight, and squabble and laugh over silly stuff like stickers, ice cream flavours and lollipops and chocolate biscuits that gave away free toys like Tora, Ding Dang etc.

Everyone was much closer back in the days, unlike the present, where cousins and cousins would say nothing further than the usual exchange of pleasanties like "hi, how are you", "how's your job" and so on... Gone were the days where we'll huddle together in a tiny room, to plot some mischievous games, ideas and squabble.

It's rather evident during Doreen's wedding dinner just last Saturday.
So much for being relatives. What's left of our cousinhood, would probably be just Michelle, Derek, Doreen, Da, Boy and myself. This is pathetic, especially when there's 19 of us to start with.

Enough of the unpleasant stuff...............................................

I met up and went shopping with Zoe after Boo boo dropped me off at Millenia Walk (coz he had to work) . We started walking around at City hall, and ended up at Bugis!
I managed to get myself stuff finally, but im not quite sure if i really like it or not. I fancied quite a number of shoes, from this store called the Pazzion, as well as a pair of sandles from Walking Culture. There's also the cute crocheted shoes from Bugis, but it hurts when i try walking around in them. Novo had some cute plastic/rubbery ones and im just so tempted to buy them all!!!!!!

I figured that since clothings during holiday/winter season is just so dark and depressing, i shall then channel all my "effort" and attention into bags and footwear, which kinda explained for my sudden foot fetish. Haha.

I'm thinking of planning some kinda of Bazaar/Garage sale with Zoe and maybe Caecilia... afterall, it's time i clear space in the wardrobe, coz it's quite a hassle to try squeeze everything into my very puny wardrobe. 2 outfits have to share the same hanger...and i dont really want to wait til the day where 1 hanger would belong to 3 tops. Such a nightmare!!

I need more storage space! How?