Tuesday, June 27, 2006


It's been such a long day for me, though everyone jolly well knows that there's only 24hours to it.
Many things has been bugging me, and it's such a torturous process getting things off my mind, coz it seems like everything bad is here to stay.

Why doesnt all thing good stay?
Why do problems always surface, one after another?

As much as i've always told myself that problems happen, to allow us to better appreciate the goodness that's been showered upon us, im quite sure that there's been a bigger share of problems, comapred to the goodness that's been blessed upon me.
Yes, im thankless, that's for sure.

Thankless for all that things could possibly be worst than the way it is, but it's really weary to trudge on, facing countless problem, after problem, disappointment after disappointment.
Im wearing thin... yet feeling helpless.

Why do i have selfish people surrounding me? Whatever happened to the selfless spirit that everyone's supposed to believe in? Bull Shit!
To think of how the thought of "friends" would irk me so much.

Funny thing i heard about the priority excuse, and self preservation theory, coz it's the lamest i've heard.

Why am i allowing the entire world to step over me? What's with the tolerance?
*shrugs* Beats me.

I'm exhausted.
and had about enough of everyone's nonsense. You hear me?