while i was away...
*I have been attempting to study. Yes i really did...
*Nursing a swollen eye, coz i had an eye stye.
-it just appeared one day, after i got home from school.
The eye stye gave me really bad eye discomfort, and i'm stuck wearing glasses for the next few days..i'm blaming it on the HAZE!
I know i'm not supposed to prod my eye infection, but the discomfort was reallly bad that i decided to "milk" my swollen eye off its excess liquid.. by bursting the infected tear gland.
My eye felt better almost instantly, and it was visibly less swollen..
Waking up with crusty eye definitely wasn't my ideal way of starting any day, alright!
*Attended a friend's wedding dinner.
-with the swollen eye, nevertheless, it was an enjoyable night. It gave me a chance to dress up and socialise, definitely something to look forward to, other than the mere thought of studying... i'm definitely turning dull.
I had fun mixing weird cocotions of alcohol for the groom during dinner, with the help of elaine and Jenny.
The groom drank it, not one but multiple glasses of alcohol, and it definitely was gross thinking back.
*Hung out at Macs til the wee hours of the morning for many days with Zoe.
where we munched on Mac Meals til we never wanna stuff another Mac in our face again.
-studying kinda brought out the eccentricities of my studying habits - i insist on laying out all my 13 colored pens arranging them in it's various intensity of shades.
We talked and came up with really stupid stuff, that left us laughing til our bellies hurt, and our teary eyes. (It wont be funny, if i were to relate it in here.)
Boo, Roy and Winston dropped by to visit me while i was studying yesterday night. =))
*Boo finally utilised the Birthday Raoul voucher that i've gotten for him. 6 Whole months later! *sulks*. Oh well at least the belt looks decent.
* I met Viv, a colleague of Boo, and he claims that viv reminds him of mommy. So he kept calling Viv, Auntie Florence. But i didnt quite agree with him, so i asked Winston, Roy and Zoe if Viv resembled mommy... and Zoe nearly spitted her drink when she took a good hard look at viv. All 3 of them agreed seperately that Viv resembles my mommy. Arhhh!
Later when all left, Zoe and i ordered breakfast, and the girl who served us our breakfast resembled Viv! OMG! It's all getting alittle scary, and i think all that studying is beginning to cause my eyes to play tricks on me!!