Thursday, July 19, 2007


A good friend once told me " friendship is like a bus journey, you board the bus with friends and have your share of fun and laughter. However at some point in time, some would alight, while new ones join you in the journey"

Of course with a hint of chance and fate, old friends might rejoin the journey again, while other friends drop off, and resume their journey else where ~ A friendship cycle i call it.

I dont quite know how true it is for you, but that analogy rather describes mine pretty well.
Whatever it is, the many friends that come and left each taught me different lessons in regards to life, and i'm ever grateful for their insights and perceptions toward living, fun and everything else the world has to offer.

~Birds of the same feathers flock together.

So what exactly happens when a fellow bird changes feathers?

I guess theoretically speaking, the odd bird would still be welcomed within the flock.
It's when the hospitality gets abused that makes things problematic.

Boundaries crossed, Blatant imitation, Goodwill misused

There is no turning back, when the plank is laid out.
As previously discussed many entries ago, i am extremely territorial. Click Here for a refresher.
Be it sister, good friend or anything randomly called acquaintance, houserules still apply.
Silence to imitation does not necessary mean approval, rather it's like observing to see how far up your gutsy pet monkey will dare to climb on, before the owner yanks the leash.

At the end of the day, if your irritated pet monkey turns around and bites you in the face, there is always the option of starving it to death.

Cruel it may seem, but that is the price for being an ingrate.
Someone once asked me years ago "Why is it that you do not behave like a typical obnoxious Singaporean, and it led on to "why do i think that Singaporeans aren't that great".

Well it was an interesting question at that point in time. Extreme as i may sound, i would still stand true to my answer then.

You've forgotten you roots, and you forgot your humble pie. You're turning into a typical them. If you think you're that good, think again.
You're smart, i'm sure you'll be able to decipher this entry.