Saturday, August 18, 2007

In memory of Dusty

18 Aug 2007.
I woke up to the news that Dusty's passed away.

I never gone about taking much pictures of Dusty because he's a hyper fella. He is way too quick for the camera to capture any complimenting shots of him. He's usually a mere blur on the captured screen. One of the rare pictures that i kept of Dusty, taken in conjunction with Chinese new year, which explained for the red ribbons and all.

He made my brother happy, by learning to do silly tricks that the fella made him do, and while i, will not forget the countless escapes he made, making me cringe when i hear him gnaw at the core of my piano, and not forgetting his bright little beady eyes staring through the cage when it is feeding time. He is such a sweet and smart fella, despite his hyper-ness.

2.5 years later, he is still a sweet dude, older with white eyebrows like an old man. If you ask me, I think he really chose a saturday to leave us - a day where most of us are at home, and that my brother would not be away in school. I guess to date, Dusty is one of my brother's most cherished pet to his name, and the loss of Dusty would always be remembered.
However, let's remember that Dusty has led a good life, being well taken care of by Janson -outliving not only his average life expectancy but also his clan of younger relatives.
A post on Dusty's arrival into our family can be found here.

We had happy times together.
We'll miss you, old man.