Friday, August 03, 2007


Look! A stalk of Rose! It's supposedly an accessory for my salsa session at Union earlier from Quacks. Because he seem to have this idea that a Salsara should have a nice rose sticking behind her ears, when she dances... which in truth is a pretty sight, but the poor rose will be gone in a spin!
My new watch is now "broken" frm all that dancing, much less the fragile rose.
So the rose sat in my bag and listened to all that Salsa/Bachata/meringue/chacha music, and it bloomed!
Sweet :)

Because he's been such a sweetie, i decided that it's only right that i cam whore with the rose! Pretty ain't it? I look like shit next to the flower..
but oh well. *grinz*

Today's been relatively fun, because someone's bought himself a spanky new phone that's got navigation software in it, not forgetting all the freebies he's received with the phone (because he pulled a really huge string, to obtain it). Hahahaa, and not forgetting that nice Zara Shirt that i picked *tee hee hee*.

We had a sumptuous dinner at Dian Xiao Er, and i'm craving for more Duck! *quack*, and the spinach. Wasn't too keen on the ribs though.

Alright! One last shot to end my entry! Good night!

Pssst: Thank you for the Rose! ;)