Saturday, July 19, 2008


For a day that did not start off too well, my day ended better than i'd have expected! Firstly I met Zoe for my dinner/her supper, and had a good chat! It's been a long time since that the 2 of us had time to chat so much without the presence or interruption of other friends!

On our way to deciding on our next undecided destination, we chanced upon Ruyi, Fel and their other friends at Macdonalds right outside Lido! Meeting the girls is like adding rainbow sprinkles onto my happy icecream!
I last saw them was like 2-3 years ago in school, and i am thrilled to see them, after all it is always nice to see a friend doing well, beaming and radiating happiness... aiyah, dont quite know how to explain that, but we spent a good time catching up! :D
Zoe decided that she needed soup, so instead of Clark Quay, we headed over to Cineleisure for Borsch soup, meal #2.
and on our way there, she suggested that we play with the escalator!
Hahahha! I havent done stupid things with her for the longest time, and it's really quite fun!
While we were at it, we've met about a hundred drunkards, a lady piggy bagging another lady down the escalator, some lady boys and foreign women escorting their erm "partners" to where ever.

Doing our silly things, i really miss our good old days, where we were both were still in school, exploring the most random things ever. Now that our different directions and commitment in life gives us lesser time and energy to rot and do imprompt stuff, it really makes our silly memories cuter. I realised how much we've both grown up (not physically but mentally and emotionally?), with so many stupid laugh and cry situations that we shared.

It's probably like the escalator. Life is full of ups and downs, but if you stop and look around, you'll realise how much you've missed out on or forgotten to appreciate, in your quest for the motion (rat race) in life.

Yes, i'd say that Miss Lee is feeling particularly philosopical tonight.