It has been a busy week for me since my last post, and i shall try to update pictorially as usually. *beams*
Finally managed to get hold of the pictures after swapping our thumbdrives on Saturday!
We have a picture of Zoe and i ions ago at Mambo on Wednesday!
Since it has already been soooo long, i can barely remember the exact chain of events, except for the fact that we did alot of walking. :S
Ericia, Myself, and Zoe!
Random picture of them playing the 5, 10 guessin game, of which i refused to participate in, because i wanted to go dancing! Hehehehe..
Group picture!
Post zouk/supper, I came up with the bright idea to fool around the bridge..and here we go..
emo bridge walking shot! cam whore with bench - i'm never happier to see a bench after an entire night in heels!
with! Hahah
Working for the recent Guinness 9 ball event, one of the welfares that the girls were entitled to, was to dine at Harry's after work everyday! Food there is yummy, and i found out that the prices were affordable too! Consider this a freee advertisement to Harrys - because regardless of which branch i'm stationed at, i can count on the staff there to be uber friendly! Everyone, including the bosses, managers really make me feel as if part of them, except for the fact that i'm merely grazing through.. you could call it fantastic service, i guess!
Zoe and I stuffed ourselves silly with dinner from Harry's before heading over to town to meet up with Daniel, Cae and for more food over at the Royal Copenhagen some many nights ago, and while waiting for Cae and Daniel to arrive, a very bored Zoe made me match my facial expressions according to what she calls out, just to kill time!
So here we go..Retarded! She refused to send me the pictures of her doing her random expressions... but trust me, this is only the'll get better! :D
and a picture of me, taking a picture of her. *laughs*And finally, Daniel and Cae arrived after a long wait (after our crazy cam whoring, my bowl of Lobster Bisque soup, a hot pot of tea later), we have Daphne posing with her dessert together with Daniel's main course!
I had honey date pudding (standard has dropped since..), and Daniel's shooting star open face sandwhich!
I'm always a happy girl when it comes to food! Yay! We ventured over to Cineleisure after dinner, and we have Cae in the picture with me.
She's my uber branded queen la. She arrived towing 2 huge Louis Vuitton shopping bag. Tsk tsk tsk.. spend money again!
I was trying to watermark the pictures, when i realised that i kinda fancy her LV belt! It's quite a simple and classic design, but i highly doubt that i'll be able to bring myself into the shop to buy that belt. Hurhurhur...We'll see. :DFooling around again before we headed to watch the "infamous" movie, Prom Night that i blogged about a few entries ago..