Here we go,
My half hearted attempt at Casino school, where i've mastered the art of cutting and proving chips and to fan out a pack of cards!
I've since dropped out after lesson 2, because I figured that juggling work, salsa, casino school, sleep and my leisure lifestyle is taking a toll on me.. so goodbye casino school!
I was supposed to be a Black Jack dealer! So cool, but oh well! We have a cute shot of her royal highness! She's been throwing quite a bit of tantrums lately, demanding for treats, attention and dont know what else la. Tough to please, and i've taken to ignoring her most of the time.. But gah! She is still a cute furry eye candy anyway!
The cute doggles that has taken residence at the shop unit downstairs my place.
She's soooo fat, and stumpy and cute! Whenever i see her, she's usually sad because her owner left her in the shop when he goes home to sleep. Poor doggles..
Lyndith and I were working at the Singapore Recreation Club on National Day, and i caught this on my camera phone! It was so exciting, because Lyndith was just describing to me the how the planes would create a heart shape smoke thingie, and suddenly it happened right in front of my eyes! I was hopping with joy when i saw it! Hurhurhur!
The management at the SRC were really nice to the both of us, and offered us lots of delicious food ( we decided on "sampling" the laksa, char kuay teow, satay and roti john) ! They even cooked extra food for me to packet home! I brought supper (satay, char kuay teow) home for the momsy and the bro to savour. Superb!
Not forgetting the fireworks - but i'm too lazy to load the fireworks pictures, besides the pictures didnt turn up too well anyway.Lydia came back to Singapore, and she got me this Juicy Couture slippers in awesome green, and a pair of very lady like floral earrings!
However I am actually more pleased with spending time with her, than anything else.
I do miss my Bestie alot! She is like the Twin that god forgot to give me, and it is just amazing that despite only meeting up once a year, we still have so much things to talk about, and everything felt as if we were still in Design school! Ahhh i miss my days in design school!
Those were probably the best days of my life (if I were to say so la...) Hahahha! Lastly, we have a picture of my stripey horse, the zebra!
I saw this little fella at the Zouk flea market, and to my horror, it cost $10!
I refused to pay $10 for a stuffed horse, despite liking it very much, and so after battling my way round the flea market, and whining alot to Lydia, Adi and Crix, we have decided to go back to the Zebra store to haggle again!
This time round, Adi managed to negotiate for $8, and being stingy, i insisted that the zebra should cost no more than $6!
After some "squabbling" between Adi and I, the stripey horse became a present from Adi! Yay!
So Horse horse! is mine for keeps!
Yay! My best bitching friend absolutely rocks la! Hurhurhur!