Friday, November 28, 2008

hitting rock bottom

I think i'm on the verge of hitting rock bottom.
Juggling work and dance practise is no joke.
I feel as if i've got no life of my own anymore.
a good portion belongs to the company, and the remaining belongs to the studio.

What about my own "me" time?
The lack of personal time is demoralising, and looking at myself,
my legs are full of bruises, and i keep accumulating newer and huger bruises!
The picture in red shoes was taken last week in studio
The one below is taken today!
This are merely the external injuries...

let's not forget all the non visible random muscles that i've pulled, that hurt alot!

I guess the theory of "look good, feel good" applies here.
However it's quite the opposite for me - where "look bad, feel shitty" seems to be the case.
Argh! i cannot wait for the performance to be over!

So little time, and yet so much to be done.
I need a break really badly, and this had all better be worth it.

In case you're interested in what i'm suffering for, event details are enclosed in the picture.
I'm sure i'll be alot more enthusiastic when the event is closer!

Meanwhile, goodbye cruel world til the 7th!