Thursday, July 09, 2009

Counting down the hours...

I received a postcard while BD was in Paris.
My second surprise since his absence to Europe. 

He's probably in the air making his way to London from Madrid, then flying from London back to Singapore to meeeee! 
Tee hee hee.  I am rather pleased to know that I am actually "hours" away from seeing him. 

I was thinking randomly to myself the "out of sight, out of mind theory" that I have with my bursting wardrobe, while packing my room a night ago which made me wonder, if he's gone for anything longer than 21 days, would I still remember him?

Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to the familiar sight of Mr Foo, and I've been told to expect a darker, skinner version of him (so he tells me, from the scorching hot sun, walking and food)..... while I've been indulging myself with my usual sustenance, sitting in the comforts of the office and home.. becoming elephantine rapidly. 
