Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moving into my semi flutter shorts craze....

The bunny was out of food - like totally out of proper nomming supplies, so I had to make a trip over to Pet Lovers before he actually becomes a bunny skeleton or something!

I dragged myself out of bed, yanked on my lazy clothes - which currently would be the flutter shorts in all assortments and briefly made my way out.
I didnt even apply any make up (wokay, I drew myself some eyebrows, just so that I wouldn't freak people out.)

Walking by foot, I was rather entertained with my shadow!
It also dawned upon me (subconsciously) why I'm quite into the entire flutter-shorts get up at the moment.
Because, my shadow actually looks quite hot when i'm in those shorts!
* yeah dont puke!

Because wearing the Flutter shorts actually created the illusion of an HOUR GLASS figure - at least that's what I saw in my shadow!

With a "twig" body shape, I've never had much of a bum / ass / hips.
Sooooo because the shorts are cute and poofy, they created the illusion of nice proportioned hips and ass.

In fact, one of my favourite quotes from Mademoiselle Coco Chanel that i'll like to share says
  Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions.   
Chanel, Coco

Yup! It's always about the proportions. ALWAYS. :)

I attempted to illustrate the silhouette out, and took the pictures using my blackberry (if there's one thing that I hate about my blackberry, it'll have to be the sucky camera with no autofocus function)

If you will pardon the bad drawing and scrutinize just the shape illustrated... you'll see that the shoulders and hip area (donated by the poof of my shorts) are proportionately balanced - therefore creating the "hour glass" illusion.
I tried taking a picture of my slipshod outfit when I came home.
Do bear in mind that my destination was just a 10mins walk away from home, I had little fashion and color sense here, but i'm quite serious about my hot shadow!!

In the Navy flutter shorts..
 In the crochet lace version that I wore with my thigh socks before heading out to zouk many nights ago..
 I also secretly think that my legs look longer from this view....
and the flutterheart skorts that's currently available in my shop.
you see, it totally gave me an ass from the back view!
My flutterhearts is in the wash at the moment, or i'll totally drag it out for a fashion shoot, since i'm on the topic. :(

Flutter shorts aside  - just to prove my "hourglass" theory - about adding volumes to the bottom and defining the shoulders, here's another picture of my attempt to create the "hourglass" illusion.

By emphasizing the shoulders with my black cape cardi, and pairing it with the drapey little black shorts, viola!

I'm loving this picture to bits! Looks like I've got an awesome figure to die for!
Totally have to credit the sister for her photography talents during our Bowtique photoshoot.

Speaking of shorts, I'm practically living in shorts with the insane heat we're experiencing lately.
If only my parents own an icecream factory, I get tubs of icecream to soak in, until summer's over.