Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Old pictures of past outfits...

I have a terrible bad habit of taking a pictures and not remembering to post them up.
I found these picture in the camera from a million years ago, while hunting for other pictures.
Here's 2 black and white outfit that I'll like to share with different looks.

Can't even remember where I was heading out to...
But since I kinda like my simple but chic look for the night... I figured that I should share! :)

What I wore for the night:
My trusty black jacket from Far East since the start of the world.
Edgy Skater Dress from Bowtique
Pitcher Plant Necklace from Amado Gudek that the owner, Elaine gave to me early this year.
Elastic Belt from Far East
Mono art Floral Bracelet I bought from Stella's shop when Audrey and I dropped by Haji Lane last year.

It's times like these that reckons I like my accessories more than my clothes!
This picture shows my accessories better..

Yet another Mono colored outfit!
Looking it it, I did not realize it was a Black and white phase I was in.

Stripes and Bow Top from Bowtique
Dotted Ribbon from my own wardrobe
Little Black Shorts from Bowtique
Ribbon Buckle Belt from Bangkok.

Now we play Spot the Difference!
What's the difference between the next 2 pictures?

Nothing much...
Just the change in Ribbons, and the +/- of accessories.
I settled for the clashing of dots and stripes and sauntered out of home for coffee.