Saturday, August 20, 2011

Linus the boxer

In lieu of daddy's new Exotic Shorthair kitties, I was hunting around youtube for videos of other exotic short hair, when i chanced upon the videos of Linus the boxer!

He's such a sweet tempered dog!
Of course, his owner is probably a very good and patient dad/trainer.
I love how his daughter bonded with the dog, as he explains to her how she should "communicate with Linus"

Linus the boxer loves a party hat

Linus the Boxer Loves to Accessorize

It's so cute how Linus obviously dislikes accessorizing, but still gave in to her out of love and desperation. Hahah

In Linus the Boxer doesn't like his baby swimming
can totally see how protective the dog is of the baby's safety.
hates it when she's out of his "protective" boundaries.

She obviously loves Linus equally dearly.
in Linus the Boxer loves a blanket fort

she calls out "come inside Buddy" a couple of times.

Watching the video, I wished I had a dog to grow up with when I was that age.