Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Whenever I'm feeling shitty and drained off ideas, I'll always end up sorting out my room.
Somewhat, neatening up the war zone never fails to lift my spirits up. 
Maybe it's the feng shui or something.... or perhaps its just more aesthetically pleasing to set foot into a room fit for human to live with!

In anycase, I sorted out my crazy collection of shades ( Yeah.. I do realize that I have an excessive amount of everything accessories, clothes, shoes, shades, caps, socks, undies  - dont we all?!)
So I found......
this entertaining pair of shades that I bought off ebay or yahoo auction a decade ago!
It's my "sexy" shades! 
I never quite mustered the courage to wear it out.

It's seriously quite cute what! 
Cost me 4 bucks.
Whatever la!

Finally gotten to collected my Hello Kitty watch from Zen.
Yay! It's damn tough to get that red bow/white face happy meal watch ok!
So have to take lots of picture with it!

I attempted to align my self sewn Red Bow in the same position and angle as Miss Hello Kitty, and here we go!

Reckon that the Red Bow placed in the front of my head is too cutesy for me to wear it out, not that I lack of courage to. :)

FYI, Kitty's bow was placed in it's right position... 
It's only that Photobooth essentially mirrors stuff, soooo Hello Kitty + Daphne's Red Bow in the picture is off, while the sexy shades was taken with my Canon, therefore the literacy of words!

I tried flipping the picture - only to find myself looking weird. 
Ah well.

Bi monthly nail fix - I did the reverse french manicure in my favourite combination!
the Red on Red. 
I like it that it's catchy without looking trashy.

Its quite a messy paint job, but... I really made lots of effort to be neat already. :(

That about sums up all the my new/old toys!


psst! Have you send a bowl of love today to the animal shelters?