Tuesday, September 06, 2011

September momentum

It's been an exciting month so far for me.
Acquisition proved to be a lot tougher than I've expected.
Throwing contracts back and forth, reading words like crazy disecting reading.
Paper work... transferring of assets.... lots and lots of talking

While Transition and takeover is a lot more tedious than I've anticipated.
I've practically been walking around with @.@ eyes the entire weekend.

Living off a couple of hours of sleep everyday.
I am looking forward to being reacquainted with my bed for at least the most of tomorrow.

In fact my new favorite tag line lately goes alot like this:

I'm pooped!
I use up so much energy that my remaining time is spent mostly in pure silence.
The bestie came back for his nomming entitlements and most of our dinner was in silence.

I guess its always nice to know that it's really alright to just be in the company of friends, without the need to talk.
I call it the "silence is comfortable" theory.

Where it's usually in the presence of strangers that you'll have to put on your game face/poker face/ clown face and just be who you have to be, and fill up the random gaps of silence.

While usually in the presence of family and close friends - you have alot of freedom to be who you feel/want to be, and many a times it involves us just enjoying the company without having to talk ~ therefore the silence is comfortable theory.

Thinking back, I was in a total mess the same month last year - going through one of my shittest phase in my life.

A year later, I'm glad that I've picked up myself, with lots of help and support from my loved ones - and I'm looking forward to the work and challenges that I would have to face ahead.
It's not the end, and life wouldn't be all smooth sailing and blissful (I wish right!).

I'll strive hard, and perhaps one day the rewards will reap in every aspect that one could possibly wish for.

Yes it'll be tough, but let it all be good.

Bowtique will have to take a back seat for the next couple of months.
I'm sorry you've been neglected.