Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines Day.

Those who know me well know that I'm not a commercial girl.
I dont do Valentines day - because it's boring that way.

So anyway - to those who believe in that ONE particular day that makes you feel special like a "princess" as like the next billion people, happy valentines day!

Dressed Trixie up in her Heart Dracula costume (its her fleece blanket in my room...but it's apt for the occasion)

And in case you think that the Bunny has lost favour in my books, nope - I still feed and play with him everyday!
It's just tougher to take pictures with him / for him because the Doggie would whine/be jealous and it's just for his safety.


Pretty boy hor?

I took him out to bounce around a couple of weeks back, and this bugger took the chance to taunt Trixie who was stuck behind the cage.

Pet rivalry.