Thursday, August 23, 2012

Random Thursday

Testing out the blogger app on my mobile phone with this picture!
I believe mobile blogging has just been made convenient!
Except for the tagging bit, everything in blogger app is quite a dream, as compared to my previous experiences!

psst! It really works!!!
Waaaaaay better than my 2 attempts in 2008 at mobile blogging.
Loading pictures and stabbing my HTC touch.

It was exactly the HTC touch that put me off the iphone for AGES - let's see, I wasnt interested in the iphone, iphone 3G, iphone 3GS, or the iphone4. 
Windows based phone and touch screen gave me a huge nightmare.

Not that i'm a total convert about my iphone (I still miss the keyboard typing of my blackberry), but I'm ok with it, since there's like a billion and one entertainment to offset the shitty autocorrect.

The sides of my face (including my ears and side burns area) is suddenly prone to having tiny pimple bumps now.
I figured its because the surface of the phone is kinda dirty and grimy from so much bacteria, transferred from whatever -> hands -> phone -> face (inner OCD speaking), but it's true isn't it?