Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Liking a busy September

That's me stuck at the Wuhan, China airport - during a 4 hours flight delay.
Some shit about weather and turbulence they say.

I nearly couldnt make it back to catch my scheduled flight back to Singapore.
The airport drama alone is exhausting to tell, I'll leave it as a story of its own to tell another time.

Back, it's just Busy busy busy.
Catching up with work, post China trip is no joke!

However, it's the mother's birthday, and so we bought mommy dinner and we got her a mini cake to boot!

Mom's not a fan of cakes in general, but this one's a durian one!
Super yums!
As you can tell, my mommy's 5 year old only! :D
I decorated one mini cake for pictorial purposes and here we go, working on my idea of having a fire cake!

I seriously thought it'll be funnier to have the entire cake filled with candles, but I couldnt work out enough guts to ask for 10 candles instead.
Would look like a fire porcupine, if I actually did!

As a result from all the travelling, lack of sleep and durian cake, my system is down at the moment.
Fever, flu and sore throat.

I'm a sneezing monster as we speak, and bingeing on the snow skinned moon cakes from bakerzin.
The cold moon cakes sort of make my throat feels better.
I'll try to capture pictures of my moon cakes before they make their way into my tummy.

For now, we'll just have to make do with this random picture of my mooncake bag with Trixie seated next to the bag as decoration. 

I fought long and hard with myself, and finally decided on the Beige gold bag with gold rabbit print!
Mom adopted the pink version for her personal use.

For as long as I'm sick, I guess i'll be a mooncake monster, until my tastebuds are activated again.