Thursday, September 27, 2012

Trixie and her Hamster

Hello there, from Trixieland!
Dressed in silver hairband looking grumpy.
Silver is totally not a complimenting color for Trixie!
I already told human about my distaste for the silver color when she bugged me for peektures.

That'll be me and my favourite toy for the moment.
Have you met hamster? He's my 2 day old friend.
He amuses me for hours, and reminds me of my old friend, Spotty the puppy!

Loading up a video of Trixie playing with her beloved new toy hamster.

Word has it that
the human gave Trixie an old doggie toy ( Been around for at least 10 years) that rattles/vibrate whenever one pulls a string trigger.

Loving the toy is one thing, and well the toy was destroyed after some crazy wear and tear from me daily.

Ima sad doggles one day.
No matter how much I flipped Spotty around, I could not  locate its string.
Next thing I knew, human took Spotty away from me forever!

Human told her mommy that she hunted for a similar toy for months, and finally found it at....

wait for it...

Hoarder instinct sets in. Human bought 2 toys at a go!
1 hamster (as shown in the video) and a porcupine (unreleased to the kraken(me) yet)

Human is assuming that every dog knows how to play with this toy like the way Trixie does,
But according to Ricky the trainer when I met him in March - he was very impressed that I could manage the pulling and coordinate of spotty the dog all by myself, with no help from human at all!

I figured that some doggles are more talented at puzzles, and others perhaps more interested in sports and painting etc, and i'm talented at pulling the string from hamster!

Ignore my human's yabbling in the video.
Focus on me please!

I also like to sign off the video by tilting my head whenever my human says bye!
I'm cool like that!