Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Peach Bellini

My lip color for today!
Peach Bellini from NYX.

It was a hard decision between the Margarita shade or the Peach Bellini for my puckers!

It took me merely 15 mins this time to make my selection!
The peach bellini gave me a glowy look, while the Margarita made me look like i've gone 2 shades darker with a tan.

In case you're wondering what's the hassle, as most people would tell me to buy both when undecided..

I know right!
I insist on exercising purchase discipline.
It's about the principle behind the purchase, nothing to do with the price!
Just because I know I can easily afford an item, does not warrant the rationale to splurge.

Ahhh pet peeve #2million.