Sunday, December 09, 2012

Randomies de family

Random family..

When I was about 16, and sucked terribly in school grades, the father used to say this over dinner to me that if I didn't do well in my coming O levels, he'll send me to China for further education. (Particularly so, when it was the end of a school term, and needed their signature on the report book)

I took his statement really seriously and hated China forever because I saw it as a punishment.

Today, I got reminded again, because I f**ked up (Since they're under my jurisdiction, so it's my fault no matter what)
Therefore the daddy wanted me to sit into the weekly Saturday meeting to scream, clarify and be firm about stuff.

So there I was, groggy eyed, sitting around in my Pajammies next to dad, looking sad and feeling upset with the team, listening to skype (waking up to sit into the SKYPE meeting at 10am on a Saturday morning is like eating leftover horrible food on a very hungry day) Weird analogy..but whatever.
And so he said " you're going back to China this monday with me" somewhere in his angryish firm tone when he was talking to the team.

I think i'll go nuts, if I have to squeeze in time to fly to China.
Pull my hair bald or something, because it's super busy in SG at the moment, and flying there would be like a suicide.

Okay la,  I asked daddy over pizza dinner if I really needed to fly to China on Monday, and he said nope.
But for that, I've been spending the entire day like tightening the work process, vetting through and it's all in Chinese. T.T
and the remote server wasn't behaving today.

Mom cooked prawn noodles for lunch.
Post lunch, there was enough ingredients resting around for another serving, but nobody really wanted to eat up the noodles.
So there I was dealing with aftermath of the morning meeting, mom was chewing on an entire piece of fishcake herself.

My fingers stretched over to nibble on the boiled prawns nearby, and she said to me...
If you eat up all the prawns, what's going to happen to the rest of the noodle serving.
I said " you're eating up the entire fishcake anyway. What's going to happen to the noodles anyway?"

Pot calling the kettle black.

Brother ate up the noodles with just soup, porkribs and beansprout.
Prawnless and fishcakeless.

I announced that I'm darn hungry and asked if the family intends to eat dinner tonight.
okay, I was baiting the parents to drive out for food.
Daddy says that he wants pizza!

I whipped out my dominos EDM and said yay!
Mom : it's 10pm. ordering 3 pizzas for supper is abit too much isn't it?
Daphne: Naww 3 pizzas is just enough.
Mom: mumbles about fats, unhealthy, bad for father, how I shouldn't have ordered a bottle of coke along with the pizza, and blah and how there wasn't any space in the fridge for leftoevers, and the pizza was supposed to be my dad's treat, and she ends up paying for it (coz dad's in the shower when the pizza guy arrived).

Many munches later, everything was cleaned off.
Mom earned extra $4, coz daddy passed her the money and didn't want the change back
and the mother ate quite abit as well.

For someone who isn't quite the pro pizza eater, she's getting good deals.
Wah.. no fair.

On a sidenote, the dad said. Order something seafood for the pizza.
So I ordered Sambal prawns, Meatzza and Hawaiian.

When he started eating, he pointed to the Hawaiian and said, this is good, and ate lots of it.
-_-" so much for having a seafood craving.
But the sambal prawns are seriously quite good.

Conclusion, Fickle parents, therefore fickle Daphne.

Dad: Why is your dog skinnier than my Cats?
Daphne: *Indignantly, What do you mean by that! Flips dog to show off "fatty" areas like a butcher.
No skinny!
She's just nice.
Besides, she eats alot.

Daddy then exclaimed that it's Saturday.
Dog deserves more treats on a weekend.
Whut sort of logic is that?

Seriously, everytime the daddy's back, Trixie goes on a junkfood binge.
Every 2 or 3 mouthful of whatever the daddy eats, 1 portion would drop on the floor and the dog vacuums up in a blink.

I definitely inherit the mouth got hole syndrome from father.