Monday, April 01, 2013

Mother hot April

It's April, and it marks the start of a #@knn!* hot weather in Singapore.
No it's not a joke.
I am officially partaking in minimally 4 baths a day at the moment.
Kill me!
Before earth dies off from global warming, I'll probably perish from over heating.

Makes me miss the cold weather in Japan, china, eskimo land anything but this blazing hot Singapore.
什么鬼天气啊? 热死人了!

I'm permanently in a heat induced crankiness.

You have no idea what bliss is, until night falls. and the breeze creep in.
Lazing in bed with a face mask and typing this, I am contented.
I promise to sleep before 2am today, to make up for the past late nights!

Oh and I received a call from Kenneth the vet today, he says that my birdlet is doing well! He's since doubled his weight and size since I last saw him, and he's ready to fly off to his own freedom within the next 5 days!

I've decided not to send birdlet off when it happens, but I wish the little birdie well.
Fly baby fly!
Live your dreams and live well.

I feel like a proud mama.

Speaking about masks,
This would be my current stash of masks for the face.
I'm making lots of effort to use them more frequently, and not purchase anymore, until I halve the quantity in the drawer!

This is my Trixie wawa.
Freshly groomed by me, albeit her already wet beard from her slobbery drools.

Dinner last night with the fam.
I love this chicken thingie!
It's fried and laced with the yummy cream sauce.
Shall bring the pok over to try soon!

This would be some tomato based fettuccine.
It's pretty decent too!

Oh I love this.
Chicken roulade something.
Its some stuffed chicken pasta dish.